首页> 外文期刊>Marine biodiversity records. >First record of the razorbelly scad Alepes kleinii (Bloch, 1793) (Carangidae) along the coast of Bangladesh

First record of the razorbelly scad Alepes kleinii (Bloch, 1793) (Carangidae) along the coast of Bangladesh

机译:孟加拉国沿海地区的剃刀bel鳞科Alepes kleinii(布洛赫,1793年)(Carangidae)的首次记录



The Bay of Bengal coast, Bangladesh is a hotspot of fisheries abundance and diversity. A new species of Carangid family Alepes kleinii is recorded and described for the first time in the coastal waters of Bangladesh. A total of 29 individuals of Alepes kleinii were collected from the surveyed areas between January to March, 2016. Validation of this species was confirmed by phenotypic characteristics including body and fins colour, shape, vertical stripes, number of fin rays etc. which were found to be identical to that of the Alepes kleinii described in existing literature. The regression parameter value (b?=?2.81) of the length-weight relationship (W?=?aL b ) indicates that the Bay of Bengal provides favourable environmental conditions for the growth and development of this species. The discovery of the razorbelly scad in these waters provide valuable information regarding species distribution and extension, location and habitat preference. This information is prerequisite for the sound management of the coastal fisheries of Bangladesh.
机译:孟加拉国孟加拉湾海岸是渔业丰富和多样性的热点。在孟加拉国沿海水域首次记录并描述了Carangid家族的新物种Alepes kleinii。在2016年1月至3月之间,从调查区域收集了总共29株Alepes kleinii。通过表型特征,包括发现的体和鳍颜色,形状,垂直条纹,鳍射线数量等,对该物种进行了验证。与现有文献中描述的Alepes kleinii相同。长度-重量关系的回归参数值(b 1 =α2.81)(W 2 =αaLb)表明孟加拉湾为该物种的生长和发育提供了有利的环境条件。在这些水域中发现的剃刀龙鳞提供了有关物种分布和扩展,位置和栖息地偏好的有价值的信息。这些信息是对孟加拉国沿海渔业进行良好管理的前提。



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