首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Physiology >Commentary: Sudden Cardiac Risk Stratification with Electrocardiographic Indices - A Review on Computational Processing, Technology Transfer, and Scientific Evidence

Commentary: Sudden Cardiac Risk Stratification with Electrocardiographic Indices - A Review on Computational Processing, Technology Transfer, and Scientific Evidence




I read with interest the excellent article on sudden cardiac death risk stratification with electrocardiographic (ECG) indices by Dr. Gimeno-Blanes and his colleagues in the recent issue of Frontiers in Physiology (Gimeno-Blanes et al., 2016 ). The article is unique in that it included computational processing, technology transfer, and scientific evidence, critical considerations in the long and challenging path from bench to bedside. The parameters discussed, namely heart rate variability, heart rate turbulence, and microvolt T-wave alternans (TWA), are well-considered as they are the most extensively studied contemporary ECG-based risk stratification parameters. In this commentary, I would like to register some additional considerations with respect to time-domain analysis of microvolt TWA using the Modified Moving Average (MMA) method. We have studied this parameter in our laboratory for more than two decades. The MMA methodology has run the complete gambit from development through clearance by the United States FDA and a recent positive coverage decision by Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services ( https://www.cms.gov/medicare-coverage-database/detailsca-decision-memo.aspx?NCAId=275 ). As the authors pointed out, it differs from the spectral method and while there are commonalities, there are critical differences in the approach and in the clinical evidence supporting the two methods. The MMA method employs the noise-rejection principle of recursive averaging. The algorithm continuously streams odd and even beats into separate bins and creates averaged complexes for each bin. These complexes are then superimposed, and the maximum difference between the odd and even complexes at any point within the JT segment is identified for every 15 s and reported as the TWA value. The highest TWA levels within the entire 24-h period are recorded for each subject and used for analysis of risk for sudden cardiac death or cardiovascular mortality. The established TWA cut-point of 47 μV indicates a positive TWA test. Inspection of the TWA template permits verification of the waveform and provides opportunities for insights into the pathophysiology, as distinct patterns are associated with differing disease states. Samples of the rhythm strip and QRS-aligned template are provided (Figure 1 ; Verrier et al., 2011 ). Figure 1 Precordial (V4) electrocardiogram rhythm strip (left panel) and high-resolution template of QRS-aligned complexes (right panel) during routine exercise testing from a patient with coronary artery disease who experienced cardiovascular death at 12 months following the recording . The template illustrates T-wave alternans (TWA) as a separation between ST-T segments in A and B beats. mV, millivo sec, second. Reproduced with permission from Verrier et al. ( 2011 ). The experience with the MMA method includes ~1800 patients studied with ambulatory ECG monitoring (Verrier and Malik, 2015 ). An additional ~3600 patients were studied during routine exercise testing in the FINnish CArdioVAscular Study, the largest single study with any ECG-based risk stratifier (Verrier et al., 2011 ). Worldwide populations have been enrolled in MMA-based studies, including in Europe, Asia, and North and South America. When the method commercialized by GE Healthcare was employed, there were no non-predictive studies. The cutpoints have been standardized, with 47 μV being abnormal and 60 μV severely abnormal (Verrier et al., 2011 ). A critical factor is that the TWA testing by both the Spectral and MMA methods needs to be performed on chronic medications, especially beta-adrenergic blockers, as recommended by 11 expert authors of the TWA consensus guideline (Verrier et al., 2011 , p. 1321). The reason for this recommendation is that these agents affect arrhythmia risk and TWA levels in parallel. The approach of washing out beta-blockers was developed to allow patients tested with the spectral method to achieve the required target heart rate of 105 to 110 beats/min during exercise and is likely to have been a factor in the high-visibility negative MASTER Study and SCD-HeFT TWA substudy (Verrier et al., 2011 ). When beta-blocking agents were washed out for the test and subsequently resumed, hazard ratio were reduced to one quarter. As the MMA method does not require meeting a target heart rate, washout of medications is unnecessary; this factor may help to account in part for the absence of negative studies. It can be argued that because TWA is predictive in patient on medications, it is capable of predicting the effects of medications. This principle may be applicable to the > 12,000 patients in whom TWA has been measured who were receiving antiarrhythmic therapy, as they were drawn from cohorts with diverse forms of coronary artery disease including myocardial ischemia and heart failure. The potential of TWA to guide medical therapy as well as exercise rehabilitation has been recently reviewed (Verrier and Malik, 2015 )
机译:我感兴趣地阅读了Gimeno-Blanes博士及其同事在最近一期《生理学前沿》中有关心电图(ECG)指数对心脏猝死危险分层的出色文章(Gimeno-Blanes et al。,2016)。本文的独特之处在于它包括计算处理,技术转让和科学证据,这是从工作台到床头的漫长而富挑战性的关键考虑因素。所讨论的参数,即心率变异性,心率湍流和微伏T波交替性(TWA),已得到充分考虑,因为它们是当代基于ECG的风险分层研究最广泛的参数。在这篇评论中,我想对使用修正移动平均(MMA)方法进行微伏TWA的时域分析进行一些其他考虑。我们已经在实验室中研究此参数超过二十年了。 MMA方法论从开发到获得美国FDA批准一直是整个过程的关键,而Medicare和Medicaid Services中心最近做出的积极覆盖决定(https://www.cms.gov/medicare-coverage-database/detailsca -decision-memo.aspx?NCAId = 275)。正如作者所指出的那样,它与光谱方法不同,尽管存在共同点,但在方法和支持这两种方法的临床证据方面存在重大差异。 MMA方法采用递归平均的噪声抑制原理。该算法将奇数和偶数拍子连续流式传输到单独的仓中,并为每个仓创建平均复数。然后将这些复合物叠加,并每15 s识别一次JT段内任何点上的奇数和偶数复合物之间的最大差,并记录为TWA值。记录每个受试者在整个24小时内最高的TWA水平,并将其用于分析突发性心脏死亡或心血管疾病死亡的风险。建立的TWA临界点为47μV,表明TWA测试为阳性。 TWA模板的检查可以验证波形,并为深入了解病理生理提供了机会,因为不同的模式与不同的疾病状态相关。提供了节奏条和QRS对齐模板的样本(图1; Verrier等人,2011年)。图1在例行运动测试中,在记录后12个月内发生心血管死亡的冠心病患者,心前区(V4)心电图心律带(左图)和QRS对齐复合物的高分辨率模板(右图)。模板说明了T波交替信号(TWA)作为A和B搏动中ST-T段之间的分离。 mV,毫伏;秒,秒。经Verrier等人许可复制。 (2011)。 MMA方法的经验包括约1800名通过动态心电图监测进行研究的患者(Verrier和Malik,2015年)。芬兰心血管血管研究是常规运动测试中另外3600名患者的研究,该研究是使用基于ECG的风险分层器的最大规模单项研究(Verrier等,2011)。全球人口已被纳入基于MMA的研究中,包括在欧洲,亚洲以及北美和南美。当采用GE Healthcare商业化的方法时,没有任何非预测性研究。切点已标准化,其中47μV为异常,60μV为严重异常(Verrier等,2011)。一个关键因素是,必须按照TWA共识指南的11位专家的建议,对慢性药物,尤其是β-肾上腺素能阻滞剂,通过光谱法和MMA方法进行TWA测试(Verrier等人,2011年,第11页)。 1321)。提出此建议的原因是这些药物同时影响心律不齐的风险和TWA水平。开发出了清洗β受体阻滞剂的方法,以使使用光谱方法测试的患者在运动过程中达到所需的目标心率105至110次/分钟,这很可能是导致高可见度阴性MASTER研究的一个因素和SCD-HeFT TWA子研究(Verrier等,2011)。当将β受体阻滞剂冲出进行测试并随后恢复时,危险比降低到四分之一。由于MMA方法不需要达到目标心率,因此不需要冲洗药物。该因素可能有助于部分解释是否存在阴性研究。可以说,由于TWA对患者的药物治疗具有预测作用,因此它能够预测药物的作用。该原则可能适用于接受抗心律不齐治疗的超过12,000例经测量的TWA患者,因为他们来自具有多种形式的冠心病(包括心肌缺血和心力衰竭)的队列。 TWA在指导药物治疗和运动康复方面的潜力最近得到了评估(Verrier和Malik,2015年)



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