首页> 外文期刊>Gastroenterology Report >Male gender is associated with an increased risk of anastomotic leak in rectal cancer patients after total mesorectal excision

Male gender is associated with an increased risk of anastomotic leak in rectal cancer patients after total mesorectal excision




BackgroundThe impact of a patient’s gender on the development of anastomotic leak (AL) in rectal cancer patients following total mesorectal excision (TME) remains controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between patients’ gender and the risk of AL.MethodsAll rectal cancer patients following TME with a primary anastomosis during the study period from 2010 to 2014 were examined. Comparisons of the post-operative AL incidence rate between male and female patients were performed.ResultsOf all patients examined (n?=?956), 587 (61.4%) were males and 369 (38.6%) were females. Male patients were more likely to have a history of smoking and drinking alcohol, but less likely to have a history of abdominal surgery compared to female patients. A higher incidence rate of pre-operative bowel obstruction and larger tumor volume in male patients was observed in our study. Of all the patients, 81 (8.5%) developed post-operative AL. More male patients (n?=?62, 10.6%) suffered from AL than females (n?=?19, 5.1%) (P?=?0.003). Multivariate logistic regression analyses confirmed the association between male gender and AL [odds ratio (OR): 2.41, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.37–4.23, P?=?0.002]. Similar results were also obtained in patients who underwent laparoscopic TME (OR: 2.11, 95% CI: 1.15–3.89, P?=?0.016).ConclusionsMale patents were found to have an increased risk for AL following TME with a primary anastomosis. A temporary protecting stoma may help to protect the anastomosis and lessen the risk for AL especially in male patients.
机译:背景技术患者的性别对直肠系膜全切术(TME)后直肠癌患者吻合口漏(AL)发生的影响仍存在争议。本研究的目的是评估患者性别与AL风险之间的关联性。方法对2010年至2014年研究期间所有TME继发原发性吻合术的直肠癌患者进行了检查。结果接受检查的所有患者(n = 956)中,男性587名(61.4%),女性369名(38.6%)。与女性患者相比,男性患者有吸烟和饮酒史的可能性更高,但有腹部手术史的可能性较小。在我们的研究中观察到男性患者术前肠梗阻的发生率更高,肿瘤体积更大。在所有患者中,有81名(8.5%)发生了术后AL。患有AL的男性患者(n?=?62,10.6%)多于女性(n?=?19,5.1%)(P <= 0.003)。多元logistic回归分析证实了男性与AL之间的关联[比值比(OR):2.41,95%置信区间(CI):1.37–4.23,P <= 0.002]。在接受腹腔镜TME的患者中也获得了类似的结果(OR:2.11,95%CI:1.15-3.89,P <= 0.016)。结论发现男性患者在原发性吻合TME后发生AL的风险增加。临时的保护性气孔可能有助于保护吻合并降低AL的风险,尤其是在男性患者中。



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