首页> 外文期刊>Gastroenterology Report >Knowledge about non-invasive diagnostic tests for varices in liver cirrhosis: A questionnaire survey to the Gastroenterology Branch of the Liaoning Medical Association, China

Knowledge about non-invasive diagnostic tests for varices in liver cirrhosis: A questionnaire survey to the Gastroenterology Branch of the Liaoning Medical Association, China




Background and aims: Due to the invasiveness of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, non-invasive diagnostic tests for varices in liver cirrhosis have been widely established by numerous studies. A questionnaire survey, which was aimed at understanding the current knowledge about non-invasive diagnostic tests for varices in liver cirrhosis, was distributed among the members of Gastroenterology Branch of the Liaoning Medical Association. Methods: A questionnaire assessing the knowledge about non-invasive diagnostic tests for varices was sent to 42 members who participated in the entire ninth committee. They were from 33 hospitals in 13 cities of Liaoning Province, China. Results: Overall, 97.6% (41/42) of participants responded to the questionnaire. A majority of participants were chief physicians (85.4%), had 20 years of experience in clinical work of digestive diseases (80.5%) and worked at tertiary hospitals (97.6%). In 46.3% of participants' departments, there were 200 patients with liver cirrhosis and gastroesophageal varices admitted every year. In 90.2% of participants' departments, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was regularly employed for the diagnosis of gastroesophageal varices. Only six (15%) participants often used non-invasive diagnostic tests for varices in clinical practice. Thirty (75%) participants knew at least one non-invasive diagnostic test for varices. The knowledge of at least one non-invasive diagnostic test was significantly associated with the number of cirrhotic patients with varices (P?=?0.038) or the regular use of gastrointestinal endoscopy to diagnose varices (P?=?0.022). Conclusions: This questionnaire survey suggested that non-invasive diagnostic tests for varices in liver cirrhosis were rarely or never used in clinical practices in Liaoning Province, China. Reliable, non-invasive indexes should be further explored in a well-designed multi-center observational study.
机译:背景与目的:由于上消化道内窥镜检查具有侵入性,因此肝硬化静脉曲张的非侵入性诊断测试已被众多研究广泛建立。在辽宁省医学会胃肠病学分会成员之间分发了一份问卷调查表,目的是了解有关肝硬化静脉曲张的非侵入性诊断测试的最新知识。方法:将评估静脉曲张的非侵入性诊断测试知识的问卷发送给参加第九委员会全体会议的42名成员。他们来自中国辽宁省13个城市的33家医院。结果:总体上,有97.6%(41/42)的参与者回答了问卷。大多数参与者是主任医师(85.4%),在消化系统疾病的临床工作中有20年以上的经验(80.5%),并在三级医院工作过(97.6%)。在参与部门的46.3%中,每年收治的肝硬化和胃食管静脉曲张患者超过200名。 90.2%的参与者科室定期使用上消化道内镜检查诊断胃食管静脉曲张。只有六名(15%)的参与者经常在临床实践中使用非侵入性诊断测试来评估静脉曲张。 30(75%)名参与者知道至少一项非静脉曲张静脉曲张诊断测试。至少有一项非侵入性诊断测试的知识与肝静脉曲张的患者人数(P≥0.038)或经常使用胃肠镜检查静脉曲张(P≥0.022)显着相关。结论:该调查问卷调查表明,在中国辽宁省,临床实践中很少或从未使用无创性肝硬化静脉曲张诊断测试。可靠的,非侵入性的指标应在设计良好的多中心观察研究中进一步探索。



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