首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Marine Science >Dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in seawater following an artificial Saharan dust deposition event

Dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in seawater following an artificial Saharan dust deposition event




The dynamics of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus in seawater after a dust event were followed to better understand the impact of dust deposition in low nutrient waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Three independent abiotic experiments were performed over three seasons (winter, spring, end of summer) characterized by contrasted biogeochemical conditions. Experiments consisted of seeding evapocondensed Saharan dust at the surface of a polyethylene tank filled with filtered surface seawater. Phosphate (PO43-), nitrate (NO3-), size and number of particles and transparent exopolymeric particles production (TEP) were measured over the course of one week following seeding. Dust deposition was followed by a transient increase in [PO43-] during the first three hours with a maximum input of 33, 9 and 39 nM respectively in May, October and February. The removal of almost all the PO43- initially released suggests a scavenging process of PO43- back onto ferric oxide-rich particles leading to concentrations at the end of the experiment close to the initial values (7 nM in May and October, and 6 nM in February). NO3- released from dust was high especially in May and October (maximum input of 23 and 11 μM respectively) and was attributed to nitrogen dissolution from the large amount of small particles (< 1μm) rich in nitrogen in the evapocondensed dust. [NO3-] remained high until the end of the experiment (16 μM in May and 11 μM in October), indicating that NO3- from dust is likely to be bioavailable for a longer period compared to PO43- from dust. The release of PO43- and NO3- was intrinsically linked to particle dynamics, governed by the quality/quantity of dissolved organic matter.
机译:追踪尘埃事件后海水中溶解的无机氮和磷的动态,以更好地了解尘埃沉积在地中海低营养水域中的影响。在三个季节(冬季,春季,夏季末)进行了三个独立的非生物实验,其特征是生物地球化学条件不同。实验包括在填充有过滤的表面海水的聚乙烯储罐表面播种蒸发凝结的撒哈拉粉尘。在播种后的一周内,测量磷酸盐(PO43-),硝酸盐(NO3-),颗粒的大小和数量以及透明的外聚合颗粒产量(TEP)。灰尘沉积后,[PO43-]在最初的三个小时内短暂增加,在五月,十月和二月分别最大输入为33、9和39 nM。去除几乎所有最初释放的PO43-均表明PO43-清除回富铁氧化物颗粒的过程,导致实验结束时的浓度接近初始值(5月和10月为7nM,5月和10月为6nM)。二月)。从粉尘中释放出的NO3-尤其是在5月和10月很高(最大输入量分别为23和11μM),这归因于蒸发凝结的粉尘中大量富含氮的小颗粒(<1μm)溶解了氮。 [NO3-]一直保持较高水平,直到实验结束(5月为16μM,10月为11μM),表明与尘土中的PO43-相比,尘土中的NO3-可能具有更长的生物利用率。 PO43和NO3的释放与颗粒动力学有内在联系,动力学受溶解有机物的质量/数量控制。



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