首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Microbiology >Phosphorus Recycling from an Unexplored Source by Polyphosphate Accumulating Microalgae and Cyanobacteria—A Step to Phosphorus Security in Agriculture

Phosphorus Recycling from an Unexplored Source by Polyphosphate Accumulating Microalgae and Cyanobacteria—A Step to Phosphorus Security in Agriculture




Phosphorus (P), an essential element required for crop growth has no substitute. The global food security depends on phosphorus availability in soil for crop production. World phosphorus reserves are fast depleting and with an annual increase of 2.3% in phosphorus demand, the current reserves will be exhausted in coming 50–100 years. India and other Western countries are forced to import phosphorus fertilizers at high costs to meet their agricultural demands due to uneven distribution of phosphate rocks on earth. The present study from India, aims to draw attention to an unnoticed source of phosphorus being wasted as parboiled rice mill effluent and subsequent bio-recovery of the valuable element from this unconventional source. The research was conducted in West Bengal, India, a state with the highest number of parboiled rice mills where its effluent carries on an average ~40 mg/L of soluble phosphorus. Technology to recover and recycle this wastewater P in India in a simple, inexpensive mode is yet to be optimized. Our strategy to use microalgae, Chlorella sp. and cyanobacteria, Cyanobacterium sp., Lyngbya sp., and Anabaena sp. to sequester the excess phosphorus from the effluent as polyphosphate inclusions and its subsequent recycling as slow and moderate release phosphorus biofertilizers to aid plant growth, preventing phosphorus loss and pollution, is a contemporary venture to meet the need of the hour. These polyphosphate accumulating microorganisms play a dual role of remediation and recovery of phosphorus, preliminarily validated in laboratory scale.
机译:磷(P)是作物生长所需的必需元素,无可替代。全球粮食安全取决于用于作物生产的土壤中磷的有效性。世界磷储量正在迅速耗尽,磷需求量每年以2.3%的速度增长,在未来的50-100年内,现有的磷储量将耗尽。由于地球上磷酸盐岩分布不均,印度和其他西方国家被迫高价进口磷肥以满足其农业需求。来自印度的当前研究旨在引起人们的注意,因为未煮熟的碾米厂废液浪费了未被注意到的磷源,并且随后从这种非常规源中对有价值的元素进行了生物回收。这项研究是在印度西孟加拉邦进行的,该邦煮熟的碾米厂数量最多,其废水中的平均可溶性磷含量约为40 mg / L。在印度以简单,廉价的方式回收和再循环废水P的技术尚待优化。我们使用微藻(Chlorella sp。)的策略。和蓝细菌,蓝细菌属,Lyngbya属和Anabaena属。从废水中分离出多余的磷(作为多磷酸盐夹杂物),然后将其作为慢速释放和中度释放的磷生物肥料进行回收,以帮助植物生长,防止磷的流失和污染,这是当今时代的一项创举。这些聚磷酸盐积累的微生物起着补救和回收磷的双重作用,初步在实验室规模上得到验证。



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