首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Endocrinology >Gender Difference in the Association of Early- vs. Late-Onset Type 2 Diabetes with Non-Fatal Microvascular Disease in China: A Cross-sectional Study

Gender Difference in the Association of Early- vs. Late-Onset Type 2 Diabetes with Non-Fatal Microvascular Disease in China: A Cross-sectional Study




Background This study aimed to test whether early-onset (defined as <40?years of age) type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) imparted different risks of microvascular disease to Chinese men and women. Methods 222,537 Chinese patients with T2DM were recruited in 630 hospitals from 106 cities in 30 provinces of China in 2012 using a cross-sectional design. Logistic regression analysis was performed to obtain odds ratios (ORs) of male vs. female for diabetic retinopathy (DR) and diabetic nephropathy (DN). Additive interaction was used to test whether male gender and early-onset T2DM had interactive effects for DR and DN. Results More men than women with T2DM had DN (4.5 vs. 3.0%, P ?
机译:背景技术本研究旨在检验2型糖尿病(T2DM)的早期发作(定义为年龄小于40岁)是否给中国男性和女性带来了不同的微血管疾病风险。方法采用横断面设计,于2012年在中国30个省的106个城市的630家医院中招募了222,537名中国T2DM患者。进行Logistic回归分析以获得糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)和糖尿病肾病(DN)男性与女性的优势比(OR)。使用加性相互作用来检验男性和早发性T2DM是否对DR和DN具有相互作用。结果患有T2DM的男性中,DN(4.5 vs. 3.0%,P 0.0001),DR(5.3 vs. 5.1%,P 0.0001)和微血管疾病(DN或DR)多于女性(8.4 vs. 3.0%,P?<0.0001)。 7.1%,P << 0.0001)。在调整了年龄和医院水平之后,男性早发性T2DM对微血管疾病的影响大小大于女性,男性为2​​.67 [95%置信区间(CI):2.51-2.85]倍,女性患病风险是女性的2.53倍(95%CI:2.35-2.72)。通过进一步调整糖尿病持续时间和其他传统危险因素,风险影响的大小大大降低,男性的风险倍数为1.28(95%CI:1.19–1.37),男性的风险倍数为1.07(95%CI:0.99–1.16)。女人。在调整了糖尿病持续时间和其他传统危险因素后,以晚期T2DM的女性为参考,早发型和男性的并存显着提高了任一单独早发型的OR(1.10,95%CI:1.03) –1.19)或仅男性性别(0.96,95%CI:0.93–0.99)至1.32(95%CI:1.24-1.41),且具有显着的加性作用。 Kaplan-Meier分析表明,在早发性T2DM中,男性的DN比女性早5年。结论早发性T2DM增加了中国男性微血管并发症的风险,而女性则更多,其中大部分风险归因于糖尿病持续时间的延长。



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