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Burn Severity Dominates Understory Plant Community Response to Fire in Xeric Jack Pine Forests




Fire is the most common disturbance in northern boreal forests, and large fires are often associated with highly variable burn severities across the burnt area. We studied the understory plant community response to a range of burn severities and pre-fire stand age four growing seasons after the 2011 Richardson Fire in xeric jack pine forests of northern Alberta, Canada. Burn severity had the greatest impact on post-fire plant communities, while pre-fire stand age did not have a significant impact. Total plant species richness and cover decreased with disturbance severity, such that the greatest richness was in low severity burns (average 28 species per 1-m 2 quadrat) and plant cover was lowest in the high severity burns (average 16%). However, the response of individual plant groups differed. Lichens and bryophytes were most common in low severity burns and were effectively eliminated from the regenerating plant community at higher burn severities. In contrast, graminoid cover and richness were positively related to burn severity, while forbs did not respond significantly to burn severity, but were impacted by changes in soil chemistry with increased cover at pH >4.9. Our results indicate the importance of non-vascular plants to the overall plant community in this harsh environment and that the plant community is environmentally limited rather than recruitment or competition limited, as is often the case in more mesic forest types. If fire frequency and severity increase as predicted, we may see a shift in plant communities from stress-tolerant species, such as lichens and ericaceous shrubs, to more colonizing species, such as certain graminoids.
机译:火灾是北部北方森林最常见的骚扰,大火往往与整个燃烧区的严重燃烧程度相关。我们研究了2011年加拿大加拿大艾伯塔省北部的杰克松树林中的理查森大火之后,林下植物群落对一系列烧伤强度和火灾前林分年龄四个生长季节的反应。烧伤的严重程度对火灾后的植物群落有最大的影响,而火灾前的林分年龄没有重大影响。总的植物物种丰富度和覆盖度随着干扰的严重程度而降低,从而最大的丰富度出现在低严重度的烧伤中(平均每1-m 2 Quadrat有28种),而植物覆盖率最低的是高严重度的烧伤(平均16%)。但是,各个植物组的响应不同。地衣和苔藓植物在低度严重烧伤中最常见,在烧伤严重程度较高的情况下可有效地从再生植物群落中清除。相反,类固醇的覆盖度和丰富度与烧伤的严重程度呈正相关,而前额叶对烧伤的严重程度没有显着的响应,但受到土壤化学变化的影响,pH> 4.9时,土壤的覆盖度增加。我们的结果表明,在这种恶劣的环境中,非维管植物对整个植物群落的重要性,而且植物群落在环境上受到限制,而不是在募集或竞争方面受到限制,这在更多的中型森林类型中经常是这种情况。如果火的频率和严重程度如预期的那样增加,我们可能会看到植物群落从耐胁迫的物种(例如地衣和菊科灌木)转移到更多的定居物种(例如某些类粉虱)。



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