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Uterine Prolapse Complicating the 3rd Trimester of the Pregnancy: A Case Report




Uterine prolapse is extremely rare during pregnancy. Prolapse etiology depends on many factors, such?as advanced age, multiparity, difficult vaginal delivery and increased body mass index. This condition?may be complicated by cervical desiccation and ulceration, preterm labor, obstructive labor and even?maternal death. We report a case of uterine prolapse which developed during pregnancy. A 40-year-old?woman gravida 5 para 4 with stage 3 uterine prolapse was admitted to hospital with pelvic pain and urinary?tract infection at 35th week of the gestation. A cesarean section was performed at 38th week of the?gestation because of profound cervical bleeding due to the edematous, ulcerated, desiccated cervix.?Postnatally, the uterine prolapse spontaneously recovered. Uterine prolapse that occurs during the pregnancy?should be managed using a conservative approach. It seems that severely desiccated cervix?cause profound bleeding and cesarean delivery should be preferred.
机译:子宫脱垂在怀孕期间极为罕见。脱垂病因取决于许多因素,例如高龄,多胎,阴道分娩困难和体重指数增加。这种情况可能并发于宫颈干燥和溃疡,早产,阻塞性劳动,甚至是孕产妇死亡。我们报告一例在怀孕期间发生的子宫脱垂。妊娠第35周时,一名40岁,妊娠3期子宫下垂的孕妇gravida 5 para 4入院,因骨盆疼痛和尿路感染而入院。妊娠第38周进行剖腹产,原因是子宫颈水肿,溃疡,干燥,导致子宫颈严重出血。产后,子宫脱垂自然恢复。妊娠期间发生的子宫脱垂应采用保守方法进行处理。宫颈严重干燥似乎会引起严重的出血和剖宫产。



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