首页> 外文期刊>Gynecology, obstetrics & reproductive medicine : >A Case of Uterine Prolapse Complicating Pregnancy in Early Second Trimester

A Case of Uterine Prolapse Complicating Pregnancy in Early Second Trimester




Pelvic organ prolapse is a health concern affecting millions of women worlwide. Morover,a woman has an?estimated lifetime risk of 11 percent to undergo surgery for prolapse or incontinence.Despite the apparent?prevalence of pelvic support problems ,there are few studies of high epidemiologic quality to accurately estimate disease prevalence.But uterine prolapse is a rare condition during pregnancy which can?be complicated with severe maternal and neonatal outcomes.We report a case of uterine prolapse and?cervical alongation which is first diagnosed at the 17th week of gestation.After the recognation, the patent?is administered by both conservative and then non-surgical(pessary) managements. Unique part about?our case is early gestastional age at the time of diagnosis and the fact that our patient had only one previous?vaginal delivery and no more risk factors for a pelvic organ prolapse with new-onset uterine prolapse?in her current(second)pregnancy.In majority of cases pregnancy is superimposed on a preexisting?prolapse.Prolapse occurs as a result of relaxation and tearing down of the supportive structures.
机译:盆腔器官脱垂是一个健康问题,影响了全世界数以百万计的妇女。 Morover,一名妇女因脱垂或大小便失禁而接受手术的终生风险估计为11%。尽管骨盆支持问题的患病率很高,但很少有能高估流行病学质量来准确估计疾病患病率的研究。妊娠期间罕见的情况,可能会伴有严重的母亲和新生儿结局。我们报告一例子宫脱垂和子宫颈萎缩的病例,该病例最早在妊娠的第17周被诊断出。然后是非手术(子宫托)管理。该病例的独特之处在于诊断时的妊娠早期年龄,以及我们的患者以前只有一次阴道分娩,而目前她的盆腔器官脱垂并伴有新发子宫脱垂的危险因素已经减少(第二)怀孕)在大多数情况下,怀孕会叠加在既往的脱垂上。脱垂是由于松弛和支撑结构撕裂而发生的。



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