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High-Density Lipoprotein Cholosterol May Discriminate Mild and Severe Preeclampsia




OBJECTIVE: Low serum levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol have been found to be associated?with the severity of the inflammatory disorders. Moreover; it has been shown that preeclampsia?is a disorder of immune system with predominant involvement of proinflammatory molecules.?Therefore the purpose of the present study was to assess whether blood serum HDL cholesterol levels?could be used as a predictor of the severity of preeclampsia. STUDY DESIGN: Forty women with preeclampsia were recruited and thirty-five normal pregnant women?were matched for both maternal age and gestastional age served as control. The materials were collected?immediately after delivery of the fetus, before placenta expulsion and before clumping of the umblical?cord in patients and controls whom were in fasting state. Total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglyceride (TG) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels were assessed. RESULTS: Among the preeclamptic women, 12 were diagnosed with severe preeclampsia and 28 mild.?There were no statistically significant differences between preeclampsia and normal pregnancy except?when divided by according to systolic and diastolic blood pressure, proteinuria levels, parity, and HDL?cholesterol levels. Of the women with preeclampsia (n=40), 30 % had severe disease. Women with mild?and severe preeclampsia had significiantly higher blood pressures at delivery and earlier gestational?ages in comparision to control subjects. Although TG, VLDL and LDL levels (p0.05) were comparable?between preeclampsia and normal pregnancies, HDL cholesterol levels were significiantly lower in patients?with preeclampsia. Moreover, in subgroup analysis, patients with severe preeclampsia had the?lower HDL levels (p0.05) in comparision with mild preeclampsia. CONCLUSIONS: Blood HDL cholesterol levels measured at delivery were reduced in patients with?preeclampsia, and patients with reduced levels of HDL cholesterol had a substantially higher probability?of the disease severity in comparision to those with mild preeclampsia or those controls.
机译:目的:发现低血清高密度脂蛋白(HDL)胆固醇水平与炎症性疾病的严重程度有关。此外;子痫前期是主要由促炎分子参与的免疫系统疾病。因此,本研究的目的是评估血清HDL胆固醇水平是否可作为先兆子痫严重程度的预测指标。研究设计:招募了40名先兆子痫妇女,并选择了35名正常孕妇作为产妇年龄和妊娠年龄。在处于禁食状态的患者和对照组中,在分娩胎儿后,排出胎盘之前和脐带结块之前立即收集材料。评估总胆固醇,高密度脂蛋白胆固醇,甘油三酸酯(TG)和低密度脂蛋白(LDL)胆固醇水平。结果:在先兆子痫妇女中,有12例被诊断为重度子痫前期,其中28例为轻度子痫前期。与正常妊娠相比,先兆子痫与正常妊娠之间没有统计学上的显着性差异。胆固醇水平。在患有先兆子痫的妇女(n = 40)中,有30%患有严重疾病。与控制对象相比,轻度和重度先兆子痫的妇女分娩时血压明显升高,而胎龄较早。尽管子痫前期与正常妊娠的TG,VLDL和LDL水平(p> 0.05)相当,但子痫前期患者的HDL胆固醇水平显着降低。此外,在亚组分析中,与轻度先兆子痫相比,重度先兆子痫患者的HDL水平较低(p <0.05)。结论:先兆子痫患者分娩时血液HDL胆固醇水平降低,HDL胆固醇水平降低的患者与轻度先兆子痫患者或对照组相比,其疾病严重程度的可能性要高得多。



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