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Intravascular Leiomyomatosis of the Uterus: A Report of Two Cases




Two cases of intravascular leiomyomatosis (IVL) of the uterus, a rare benign smooth-muscle tumor, are?described. A preoperative diagnosis of IVL was not introduced in the patients, both of which presented?with a pelvic mass with the presumptive diagnosis of leiomyoma. Surgical exploration confirmed the?presence of uterine mass and none of the cases showed extra-uterine extension. Histological examination?demonstrated a fascicular pattern of bland spindle-shaped smooth-muscle cells,which extended to?veins inside the myometrium. The present diagnosis was confirmed by immunohistochemical stain for?desmin and CD 34. Despite their histological benignity, these lesions have tendency to metastasize and?are closely related to the conditions called ‘benign metastasizing leiomyoma’ and ‘intracaval mass and?cardiac extension’. The primary treatment of IVL is hysterectomy and excision of any extrauterine tumor,?when technically feasible. Anti-estrogenic therapy has been suggested as potentially useful in controlling?of unresactable tumor. Regarding recent data, the follow-up must be long and periodic postoperative?ultrasonic or magnetic resonance imaging studies may be useful in detecting growth of residual intravascular?tumor.
机译:描述了2例子宫血管内平滑肌瘤病(IVL),这是一种罕见的良性平滑肌肿瘤。未对患者进行术前IVL诊断,均表现为盆腔包块伴有平滑肌瘤。手术探查证实了子宫肿块的存在,所有病例均未显示子宫外扩张。组织学检查显示淡淡的纺锤形平滑肌细胞呈束状分布,并延伸至子宫肌层内部的静脉。免疫组化染色检测的结蛋白和CD 34证实了目前的诊断。尽管这些病变具有组织学良性,但仍有转移的趋势,并且与“良性转移性平滑肌瘤”,“腔内肿块和心脏扩张”密切相关。在技​​术上可行的情况下,IVL的主要治疗方法是子宫切除和子宫外肿瘤切除。有人提出抗雌激素疗法可能在控制不可反应的肿瘤方面可能有用。关于最新数据,必须长期随访,术后定期进行超声或磁共振成像检查可能对检测残余血管内肿瘤的生长有用。



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