首页> 外文期刊>Fisioterapia em Movimento >Avalia??o da distribui??o das press?es plantares em crian?as com síndrome de down entre 2 e 5 anosEvaluación de la distribución de las presiones plantares en ni?os con síndrome de down entre 2 y 5 a?os

Avalia??o da distribui??o das press?es plantares em crian?as com síndrome de down entre 2 e 5 anosEvaluación de la distribución de las presiones plantares en ni?os con síndrome de down entre 2 y 5 a?os




Introduction: Some peculiar features of Down Syndrome (DS), such as ligament laxity, hypotonia, delay in gait acquisition, among others, may generate alterations in the distribution of plantar pressures, modifying the plantar support. Objective: To verify whether there are differences in the evaluation of plantar pressure distributions in standing posture between the measurement instruments (Baropodometer, SAPO, and Radiography). Method: This was a cross-sectional study, evaluating ten children with SD and ten children with normal development (ND), aged from two to five years old. Bio-photogrammetry, baropodometry, and foot radiography were used to assess the plantar pressure distribution. Kappa analysis was used to evaluate the agreement index between the different instruments. Results: Children with DS and ND had a higher prevalence of pronated feet in all three instruments, with poor to substantial agreement among the instruments. Conclusion: According to this study instruments, there was a greater prevalence of pronated feet in the two groups . Differences in the evaluation of the distribution of plantar pressures in the standing posture between the Baropodometer, SAPO, and radiography were observed. These instruments should be used in a complementary manner, as they propose to evaluate different aspects of the feet alignment.
机译:简介:唐氏综合症(DS)的一些特殊特征,例如韧带松弛,肌张力低下,步态获取延迟等,可能会导致足底压力分布发生变化,从而改变足底支撑。目的:验证评估仪器(气压计,SAPO和放射线照相术)之间站立姿势的足底压力分布评估是否存在差异。方法:这是一项横断面研究,评估了10名2至5岁的SD儿童和10名正常发育(ND)儿童。使用生物摄影测量法,气压计和足部放射线照相术来评估足底压力分布。 Kappa分析用于评估不同工具之间的一致性指数。结果:DS和ND患儿在所有三种器械中的足前肢患病率均较高,各器械之间的一致性差至实质性差。结论:根据该研究工具,两组中的脚后遗症患病率更高。观察到气压计,SAPO和放射线照相法在站立姿势中足底压力分布评估的差异。这些仪器应以互补的方式使用,因为它们建议评估脚部对齐的不同方面。



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