首页> 外文期刊>Fisioterapia em Movimento >Multidimensional features of pain in patients with chronic neck pain

Multidimensional features of pain in patients with chronic neck pain




Abstract Introduction: Chronic neck pain is associated with significant health costs and loss of productivity at work. Objective: to assess pain and disability in individuals with chronic neck pain. Methods: 31 volunteers with chronic neck pain, mean age 29, 65 years, were assessed using the McGill Pain Questionnaire in Brazilian version (Br-MPQ) and Neck Disability Index (NDI). The Br-MPQ analysis was performed based on the numerical values associated with the words selected to describe the experience of pain (Pain Rating Index - PRI), and present pain intensity (PPI). NDI was used to evaluate the influence of neck pain in performance of everyday tasks. Finally, we investigated the association between PPI and NDI. Results: PRI revealed that the most significant dimension was the sensory pain (70%), and the number of chosen words was 10 (2,62) out of 20 words. Mean PPI value was 1,23 (0,76) in five points; 40% of participants described pain intensity as moderate. NDI score was 9,77 (3,34), indicating mild disability. There was a positive association between disability and pain intensity (r = 0,36; p =0,046). Pain intensity and duration of pain were not associated. Conclusions: Findings of this study identified important information related to neck pain experienced by patients when suffering from chronic neck pain, moreover, the association between disability and pain intensity reinforces the importance of complementary investigation of these aspects to optimize function in them.
机译:摘要简介:慢性颈痛与健康成本高昂和工作效率下降有关。目的:评估慢性颈痛患者的疼痛和残疾。方法:使用巴西版的麦吉尔疼痛问卷(Br-MPQ)和颈部残疾指数(NDI)对31名平均年龄为29、65岁的慢性颈部疼痛志愿者进行了评估。 Br-MPQ分析是基于与所选单词相关的数值进行的,这些单词用于描述疼痛的经历(疼痛评分指数-PRI)和当前的疼痛强度(PPI)。 NDI用于评估颈部疼痛对日常任务执行的影响。最后,我们研究了PPI和NDI之间的关联。结果:PRI显示,最重要的方面是感觉疼痛(70%),从20个单词中选出10个单词(2,62)。 PPI平均值为5分,为1,23(0,76); 40%的参与者表示疼痛强度中等。 NDI评分为9,77(3,34),表明存在轻度残疾。残疾与疼痛强度之间存在正相关(r = 0.36; p = 0.046)。疼痛强度和疼痛持续时间无关。结论:这项研究的发现确定了与慢性颈痛患者所经历的颈痛有关的重要信息,此外,残疾与疼痛强度之间的联系加强了对这些方面进行补充研究以优化其功能的重要性。



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