首页> 外文期刊>Geohealth >Measuring Community Resilience to Natural Hazards: The Natural Hazard Resilience Screening Index (NaHRSI)—Development and Application to the United States

Measuring Community Resilience to Natural Hazards: The Natural Hazard Resilience Screening Index (NaHRSI)—Development and Application to the United States




Natural disasters often impose significant and long‐lasting stress on financial, social, and ecological systems. From Atlantic hurricanes to Midwest tornadoes to Western wildfires, no corner of the United States is immune from the threat of a devastating natural hazard event. Across the nation, there is a recognition that the benefits of creating environments resilient to adverse natural hazard events help promote and sustain county and community success over time. The challenge for communities is in finding ways to balance the need to preserve the socioecological systems on which they depend in the face of constantly changing natural hazard threats. The Natural Hazard Resilience Screening Index (NaHRSI; previously entitled Climate Resilience Screening Index) has been developed as an endpoint for characterizing county resilience outcomes that are based on risk profiles and responsive to changes in governance, societal, built, and natural system characteristics. The NaHRSI framework serves as a conceptual roadmap showing how natural hazard events impact resilience after factoring in county characteristics. By evaluating the factors that influence vulnerability and recoverability, an estimation of resilience can quantify how changes in these characteristics will impact resilience given specific hazard profiles. Ultimately, this knowledge will help communities identify potential areas to target for increasing resilience to natural hazard events.
机译:自然灾害通常会对金融,社会和生态系统造成重大而持久的压力。从大西洋飓风到中西部龙卷风再到西部野火,美国的任何角落都无法幸免于毁灭性自然灾害事件的威胁。在全国范围内,人们已经认识到,创造能够抵御不利自然灾害事件的环境所带来的好处,有助于长期促进和维持县和社区的成功。社区面临的挑战是找到方法,以在面对不断变化的自然灾害威胁时,平衡保持社区赖以生存的社会生态系统的需求。已开发了自然灾害抗灾力筛选指数(NaHRSI;以前称为“气候抗灾力筛选指数”),作为表征基于风险概况并响应治理,社会,建筑和自然系统特征变化的县抗灾力结果的终点。 NaHRSI框架是一个概念路线图,显示了自然灾害事件在考虑了郡县特征后如何影响复原力。通过评估影响脆弱性和可恢复性的因素,对弹性的估计可以量化在给定特定危害特征的情况下,这些特征的变化将如何影响弹性。最终,这些知识将帮助社区确定潜在目标区域,以增强对自然灾害事件的抵御能力。



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