首页> 外文期刊>Geohealth >Naturally occurring radium (Ra) in home drinking‐water wells in the Sandhills region of South Carolina, USA: Can high concentrations be predicted?

Naturally occurring radium (Ra) in home drinking‐water wells in the Sandhills region of South Carolina, USA: Can high concentrations be predicted?




A strong relationship exists between concentrations of several principal constituents of water chemistry and naturally occurring radium in water from home wells in the large Sandhills region of the inner coastal plain of South Carolina, United States, an area of common radium problems (75% (21 of 28 of randomly selected wells in the main study area were above the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) maximum contaminant level (MCL): 5 picocuries per liter for 226Ra plus 228Ra). Ingested radioactive radium is potentially carcinogenic, and water far above the MCL occurs in places. One focus here was to determine if elevated radium concentrations can reliably be predicted using more easily measured characteristics of water chemistry. The initial phase investigated (1) concentrations of radium in well water within a smaller (~10 km radius) test area of known common problems plus (2) the associated water chemistry. This revealed a correlation between elevated radium and raised electrical conductance, total dissolved solids, calcium, nitrate, magnesium, hardness, and lowered pH. All are potentially useful screening tools for the many other rural home wells of this region. Natural groundwater in these highly leached sands is of very low dissolved salt content of all types, and local human influence on geochemistry is thus indicated. Predictive utility was examined by two additional series of wells (1) of higher radium contamination or (2) of elevated calcium concentration, both identified from file data. Higher radium wells were retested for water chemistry and higher calcium wells for radium content. Overall, a similar association between radium and water chemistry was observed.
机译:水化学的几种主要成分的浓度与美国南卡罗来纳州内陆平原沿海大沙丘丘陵地区常见的镭问题地区家庭井的水中天然产生的镭之间存在密切关系(75%(21在主要研究区域中随机选择的28口井中,有超过美国环境保护署(USEPA)的最大污染物水平(MCL):每升5微微居里的226Ra和228Ra皮卡。 MCL发生在某些地方,这里的重点是确定是否可以使用更容易测量的水化学特征可靠地预测出镭浓度的升高。初始阶段研究(1)在较小范围(半径约10 km)内井水中镭的浓度已知常见问题的测试区域以及(2)相关的水化学性质,这表明镭含量升高与电子含量升高之间存在相关性导电性,总溶解固体,钙,硝酸盐,镁,硬度和降低的pH值。所有这些都是对该地区许多其他农村家庭水井有用的筛选工具。在这些高度浸出的沙子中,天然地下水的所有类型的溶解盐含量都非常低,因此表明了人类对地球化学的影响。通过另外两个系列的井(1)较高的镭污染或(2)钙浓度升高对预测效用进行了检验,均从文件数据中确定。重新测试了较高的镭井的水化学性质,并测试了较高的钙井的镭含量。总体而言,观察到镭与水化学之间的相似关联。



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