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Review of On Turner's Trail: 100 Years of Writing Western History by Wilbur R. Jacobs




The addition of another study assessing the legacy of Frederick Jackson Turner will surely elicit a few groans among western scholars. This is too bad, for Wilbur Jacobs' On Turner's Trail is a detailed, insightful, and richly rewarding trek that should be undertaken by all western historians. Jacobs' book mixes the best of biography, historiography, and institutional history, while adding a good deal of personal reminiscence as well. As a biography, Jacobs paints a portrait of an ambitious and complex historian, a man struggling to synthesize a huge quantity of data, who retains a genuinely open mind regarding material and methodology, but who increasingly defends his narrow frontier-sectional thesis in order to make sense of his data and to preserve his place in history. As historiography, Jacobs traces the roots of the frontier-sectional thesis in Turner's childhood and education, follows its development and permutations during Turner's life, reviews the life of the thesis in Turner's students and disciples, especially through Frederick Merk and Ray Allen Billington, and brings the story down to the present day writings of Richard White and William Cronon. One of the most fascinating aspects of the book is Jacobs' recreation of the institutional activities of these historians-course lectures which pass word-for-word from Turner to Merk to Billington, book reviews written to silence opposition to the frontier theory, and political battles waged over Turner's legacy. Also interesting is the publication of responses to a survey regarding Turner from his former students. Readings these not only enhances Turner's legacy, but also promotes self-reflection regarding the historian's double role of researcher and teacher.
机译:另外一项评估弗雷德里克·杰克逊·特纳遗产的研究肯定会引起西方学者的吟。这太糟糕了,因为威尔伯·雅各布斯(Wilbur Jacobs)的《特纳之路》是一部详尽,有见地且富有收获的艰苦跋涉,应该由所有西方历史学家来承担。雅各布斯的书融合了传记,史学和机构史的精华,同时还增加了许多个人回忆。作为传记,雅各布斯描绘了一个雄心勃勃而复杂的历史学家的肖像,他是一个努力合成大量数据的人,他对材料和方法学持真正开放的态度,但为了捍卫自己狭narrow的边界论断,他为之辩护。理解他的数据并保留其历史地位。在史学方面,雅各布斯(Jacobs)追溯了透纳童年和教育领域前沿论文的根源,追踪其在透纳一生中的发展和变迁,特别是通过弗雷德里克·默克(Frederick Merk)和雷·艾伦·比灵顿(Ray Allen Billington)回顾了透纳的学生和门徒们的论文生活。把这个故事带到了理查德·怀特(Richard White)和威廉·克朗(William Cronon)的当今著作中。这本书最迷人的方面之一是雅各布斯(Jacobs)对这些历史学家课程活动的复兴,这些讲座通过从特纳(Turner)到默克(Merck)到比灵顿(Billington)逐字逐句地传递,撰写书评以使对边界理论的反对沉默,以及为特纳的遗产而战。同样有趣的是出版了特纳以前的学生对调查的回应。阅读这些内容不仅可以提高特纳的遗产,还可以促进人们对历史学家在研究人员和教师中的双重作用的反思。



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