首页> 外文期刊>Global Ecology and Conservation >Observations of illegal wildlife trade in Boten, a Chinese border town within a Specific Economic Zone in northern Lao PDR

Observations of illegal wildlife trade in Boten, a Chinese border town within a Specific Economic Zone in northern Lao PDR




This study reports on the illegal wildlife trade in the town of Boten, a Specific Economic Zone in the Luang Namtha Province of Lao PDR, located 1?km from the Chinese border. A one-day survey was conducted in April 2016, involving a combination of direct observations of open trade and informal discussions with traders. This was matched against a rapid evaluation of the country's primary wildlife law that was effective at the time of the survey, to assess wildlife trade against regulatory controls. We recorded approximately 980 individual items comprising live animals, their parts and products from at least 13 species of mammals and two species of reptiles in seven outlets. Trade in wildlife for medicinal use was dominant, particularly involving bears. Bear-based products and bear parts made up 43% (or 425 individual items) of all products observed. We also observed at least 40 live bears in a bear facility. Other wildlife parts and products recorded included approximately 200 pangolin scales, 74 pieces of elephant skin and seven bottles of tiger Panthera tigris wine. Almost all trade recorded was deemed to be against national law, illustrating lax, or no law enforcement. Although only based on a one-day survey, findings confirm the important and active role Boten plays in the illegal wildlife trade, where an inherent link with China was apparent. All businesses were operated by Chinese nationals, revealed from discussions with the traders. Lao PDR's Economic Zones are known to cater to largely Chinese markets, including for the illegal sale of wildlife. Findings call for the need for much improved regulation and law enforcement, including within the Economic Zones, in adherence to national laws and in compliant obligations under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
机译:这项研究报告了Boten镇的非法野生动植物贸易,Boten镇是老挝人民民主共和国琅南塔省的一个特殊经济区,距离中国边境1公里。 2016年4月进行了为期一天的调查,涉及对开放贸易的直接观察和与贸易商的非正式讨论的结合。这与在调查之时对该国主要野生动植物法的快速评估相符,以评估野生动植物贸易与监管控制之间的关系。我们在七个销售点记录了至少980种单独的物品,其中包括至少13种哺乳动物和2种爬行动物的活动物,其零件和产品。药用野生生物贸易占主导地位,尤其是熊类。熊类产品和熊零件占所有观察到的产品的43%(或425个单独项目)。我们还观察到在熊舍中至少有40只活熊。记录的其他野生动植物零件和产品还包括大约200个穿山甲鳞片,74件象皮和7瓶虎豹虎。几乎所有记录在案的贸易都被视为违反国家法律,说明松懈,或没有执法。尽管仅基于一项一日调查,但调查结果证实了博滕在非法野生动植物贸易中发挥着重要而积极的作用,与中国的内在联系显而易见。与交易者的讨论显示,所有业务均由中国人经营。老挝人民民主共和国的经济区众所周知,可满足中国市场的大部分需求,包括非法销售野生动植物。调查结果要求有必要大大改善法规和执法,包括在经济区内,遵守国家法律和《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)规定的合规义务。



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