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Prenatal arsenic exposure and drowning among children in Bangladesh




There is increasing concern regarding adverse effects of prenatal arsenic exposure on the neurodevelopment of children. We analyzed mortality data for children, who were born to 11,414 pregnant women between 2002 and 2004, with an average age of 5 years of follow-up. Individual drinking-water arsenic exposure during pregnancy was calculated using tubewell water arsenic concentration between last menstrual period and date of birth. There were 84 drowning deaths registered, with cause of death ascertained using verbal autopsy (International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision, codes X65–X70). The prenatal water arsenic exposure distribution was tertiled, and the risk of drowning mortality was estimated by Cox proportional hazard models, adjusted for potential confounders. We observed a significant association between prenatal arsenic exposure and drowning in children aged 1–5 years in the highest exposure tertile (HR=1.74, 95% CI: 1.03–2.94). This study showed that in utero arsenic exposure might be a...
机译:产前砷暴露对儿童神经发育的不良影响越来越引起关注。我们分析了2002年至2004年间11,414名孕妇所生儿童的死亡率数据,平均随访年龄为5年。妊娠期间个人饮水砷的暴露量是根据末次月经与出生日期之间的试管水砷浓度计算得出的。共有84例溺水死亡,并通过口头尸检确定了死亡原因(《国际疾病分类》,第10版,代码X65–X70)。产前水的砷暴露分布受到限制,溺水死亡的风险通过Cox比例风险模型进行了评估,并针对潜在的混杂因素进行了调整。我们观察到在最高暴露三分位数下,1-5岁儿童的产前砷暴露与溺水之间存在显着关联(HR = 1.74,95%CI:1.03-2.94)。这项研究表明,子宫内砷暴露可能是...



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