首页> 外文期刊>Geosphere >The role of protothrusts in frontal accretion and accommodation of plate convergence, Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand

The role of protothrusts in frontal accretion and accommodation of plate convergence, Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand




Protothrusts mark the onset of deformation at the toe of large subduction accretionary wedges. They are recognized in seismic reflection sections as small-displacement (tens of meters) faults seaward of the primary frontal thrust fault. Although assumed to reflect incipient accretionary deformation and to mark the location of future thrusts, few studies discuss their displacement properties, evolution, and kinematic role during frontal accretion and propagation of the subduction décollement. We analyze high-quality geophysical and bathymetric images of the spectacular 25-km-wide Hikurangi margin protothrust zone (PTZ), the structure of which varies along strike north and south of the colliding Bennett Knoll seamount. We provide a quantitative data set on protothrust scaling relationships and fractal fault population characteristics. Our analyses lead us to speculate on the importance of stratigraphic heterogeneity in structural development, and highlight the role of protothrust arrays in the formation of the frontal thrust. We document a migrating wave of protothrust activity in association with forward advancement of the décollement and deformation front. Shortening east of the present frontal thrust, calculated from displacements on seismically imaged faults and from subseismic faulting derived from power law relationships, reveal the significant role of the PTZ in accommodating shortening. There is possibly as much as ~7.4 km and ~4.0 km of shortening accommodated by the PTZ south and north, respectively, of Bennett Knoll seamount. As much as ~90% of the total shortening may be accommodated at subseismic scale. These data indicate that the active PTZ, together with older accreted PTZs, may accommodate ~10%–50% of the total margin-normal convergence rate at the Hikurangi margin.
机译:原始推力标志着大型俯冲增生楔形物趾部开始变形。它们在地震反射剖面中被识别为主要前冲断层向海的小位移(数十米)断层。尽管假定它能反映初期的增生变形并标记未来冲断的位置,但很少有研究讨论它们的位移特性,演化和俯冲褶皱的额叶增生和传播过程中的运动学作用。我们分析了壮观的25公里宽的Hikurangi边缘原生推进带(PTZ)的高质量地球物理和测深图像,该结构的结构沿碰撞的Bennett Knoll海山的南北走向变化。我们提供了有关原推力尺度关系和分形断层人口特征的定量数据集。我们的分析使我们推测出地层非均质性在构造发育中的重要性,并强调了前冲断层阵列在前推力形成中的作用。我们记录了与俯折和变形锋面的向前发展相关的原始冲断活动的迁移波。根据地震成像断层的位移和幂律关系推导的亚地震断层计算得出的当前正面推力向东变短,揭示了PTZ在适应缩短过程中的重要作用。 Bennett Knoll海山的PTZ南侧和北侧分别可能有约7.4 km和约4.0 km的缩短。在亚地震规模下,最多可容纳约90%的起酥油。这些数据表明,活动的PTZ和较旧的积蓄PTZ可以容纳Hikurangi边缘的总边缘-正常收敛速度的〜10%–50%。



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