首页> 外文期刊>Global Veterinaria >Alterations in Thermoregulation and Haematological Indices in Alloxan - Diabetic Rabbits (Lepus Cuniculus) in Relation to Dietary Starch and Season

Alterations in Thermoregulation and Haematological Indices in Alloxan - Diabetic Rabbits (Lepus Cuniculus) in Relation to Dietary Starch and Season




The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of starch supplementation and season (summer vswinter) on thermoregulation, body weight (BW), water consumption and haematological parameters inalloxan-inuced diabetic and non-diabetic rabbits. Starch supplementation increased rectal temperature (Tr) ofdiabetic groups significantly during summer; in winter, (Tr) in non-diabetic rabbits fed Lucerne was significantlylower than other groups. During summer, non-diabetic starch-supplemented rabbits had significantly higherrespiratory rate (RR) than other groups. RR values of experimental groups were significantly higher in summercompared with the respective winter values. In both seasons, diabetic starch- supplemented rabbits had lowerbody weight (BW) compared to the other groups. During summer, diabetic starch- supplemented rabbits hadthe lowest (BW). The diabetic group of rabbits fed Lucerne and starch had significantly higher (BW) duringwinter compared to the respective summer value. In both seasons, diabetic groups of rabbits had significantlyhigher water consumption compared to the non-diabetic groups. Starch supplementation increased waterconsumption significantly in diabetic rabbits. Water consumption of non-diabetic group of rabbits fed Lucerneand diabetic groups was significantly higher during summer compared with respective winter values. In bothseasons, diabetic groups of rabbits had lower packed cell volume (PCV) and haemoglobin concentration(Hb)compared to the respective values of non-diabetic rabbits. Non-diabetic rabbits fed Lucerne hadsignificantly higher Hb value during winter compared to summer value. During winter, non-diabetic rabbits fedLucerne had significantly lower total leukocyte count (TLC) compared to values of other groups. Non-diabeticgroups had significantly higher (TLC) values during summer compared to winter values. In diabetic groups,winter values of (TLC) were higher compared to summer value. The findings are relevant to thepathophysiological changes in human diabetes.



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