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First Macro-Colonizers and Survivors Around Tagoro Submarine Volcano, Canary Islands, Spain




Tagoro, the youngest submarine volcano of the Canary Islands, erupted in 2011 South of El Hierro Island. Pre-existing sea floor and inhabiting biological communities were buried by the newly erupted material, promoting the appearance of new habitats. The present study pursues to describe the first metazoans colonizing different new habitats formed during the eruption and to create precedent on this field. Through dredge and remote operated vehicle samplings, five main habitat types have been detected based on the substrate type and burial status after the eruption. Inside the Tagoro volcanic complex (TVC), two new habitats are located in and around the summit and main craters—hydrothermal vents with bacterial mats and sulfurous-like fields mainly colonized by small hydrozoan colonies. Two other habitats are located downslope the TVC; new hard substrate and new mixed substrate, holding the highest biodiversity of the TVC, especially at the mixed bottoms with annelids ( Chloeia cf. venusta ), arthropods ( Monodaeus couchii and Alpheus sp.), cnidarians ( Sertularella cf. tenella ), and molluscs ( Neopycnodonte cochlear ) as the first colonizers. An impact evaluation was done comparing the communities of those habitats with the complex and well-established community described at the stable hard substrate outside the TVC, which is constituted of highly abundant hydrozoans ( Aglaophenia sp.), antipatharians ( Stichopates setacea and Antipathes furcata ), and colonizing epibionts (e.g., Neopycnodonte cochlear ). Three years after the eruption, species numbers at Tagoro were still low compared to those occurring at similar depths outside the TVC. The first dominant species at the TVC included a large proportion of common suspension feeders of the circalittoral and bathyal hard bottoms of the area, which could have exploited the uncolonized hard bottoms and the post eruptive fertilization of water masses.
机译:塔加罗岛是加那利群岛最年轻的海底火山,于2011年在埃耶罗岛南部爆发。新喷发的物质掩埋了先前存在的海床和生物群落,促进了新栖息地的出现。本研究旨在描述在喷发过程中形成的新的不同生境中定殖的第一个后生动物,并在该领域开创先例。通过挖泥和远程操作车辆采样,根据喷发后的基质类型和埋葬状况,已检测到五种主要的栖息地类型。在塔哥罗火山群(TVC)内部,在山顶和主要火山口及其周围有两个新的栖息地-具有细菌垫的热液喷口和主要由小型水生动物群落定居的类硫磺田。另外两个栖息地位于TVC下坡。新的硬质底物和新的混合底物,拥有TVC最高的生物多样性,尤其是在混合底栖动物(Chloeia cf. venusta),节肢动物(Monodaeus couchii和Alpheus sp。),cn虫(Sertularella cf. tenella)和软体动物的混合底部(Neopycnodonte cochlear)作为第一批殖民者。进行了影响评估,将这些生境的群落与TVC外部稳定的硬基质描述的复杂而完善的群落进行了比较,该基质由高度丰富的水生动物(Aglaophenia sp。),抗病菌(Stichopates setacea和Antipathes furcata)组成和定殖的表皮动物(例如Neopycnodonte耳蜗)。爆发三年后,与TVC以外类似深度的物种相比,Tagoro的物种数量仍然较低。 TVC的第一个优势种包括该区域的周向上和底端硬底的大部分常见悬浮喂食器,它们可能利用了未定殖的硬底和喷发后的水团肥。



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