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Structure of the Panzhihua intrusion and its Fe-Ti-V deposit, China




The Panzhihua intrusion in southwest China is part of the Emeishan large igneous province and host of a large Fe-Ti-V ore deposit. In previous interpretations it was considered to be a layered, differentiated sill with the ore deposits at its base. New structural and petrological data suggest instead that the intrusion has an open S-shape, with two near-concordant segments joined by a discordant dyke-like segment. During emplacement of the main intrusion, multiple generations of mafic dykes invaded carbonate wall rocks, producing a large contact aureole. In the central segment, magmatic layering is oriented oblique to the walls of the intrusion. This layering cannot have formed by crystal settling or in-situ growth on the floor of the intrusion; instead we propose that it resulted from inward solidification of multiple, individually operating, convection cells. Ore formation was triggered by interaction of magma with carbonate wall rocks. Graphical abstract Display Omitted Highlights ? Panzhihua Permian intrusion hosts a large Fe-Ti-V deposit. ? Ore deposit at the base of the discordant central portion. ? Ore formation through interaction between magma and carbonate wall rocks.
机译:中国西南地区的攀枝花矿床是峨眉山火成岩大省的一部分,拥有大量的铁钛钒钒矿床。在以前的解释中,它被认为是一个分层的,有差异的基岩,底部有矿床。相反,新的结构和岩石学数据表明,该侵入体呈开放的S形,两个不协调一致的节段与不和谐的堤状节段相连。在主要侵入岩的侵入过程中,多代铁镁质岩浆侵入碳酸盐岩围岩,形成了一个大的接触金光石。在中央部分,岩浆分层方向与侵入岩壁倾斜。这种分层不能通过晶体沉积或在侵入层底部原位生长而形成;取而代之的是,我们认为这是由于多个独立运行的对流室向内凝固所致。岩浆与碳酸盐岩围岩的相互作用触发了矿石的形成。图形摘要显示省略的突出显示?攀枝花二叠纪侵入岩蕴藏着大量的铁钛钒矿床。 ?矿石沉积在不协调的中央部分的底部。 ?岩浆与碳酸盐岩围岩相互作用形成的矿石。



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