首页> 外文期刊>Geofisica internacional >Estimation of ground subsidence in the city of Morelia, Mexico using Satellite Interferometry (INSAR)s

Estimation of ground subsidence in the city of Morelia, Mexico using Satellite Interferometry (INSAR)s




AbstractIn recent years, the city of Morelia, in central Mexico, has been affected by differential subsidence of the soil evidenced by faults and fractures on the ground. The goal of this study is to obtain ground deformation time series from InSAR interferograms, in order to determine the temporal and spatial evolution of subsidence in the city of Morelia. Twenty-eight ENVISAT-ASAR images, acquired from May 2003 to September 2010, were processed. Perpendicular and temporal baselines of less than 400 m and 420 days respectively, were used as criteria to select interferograms. From a total of 378 interferograms, only 65 were considered to be of sufficient quality, based on the observed signal decorrelation. The results show that most of the city of Morelia is not affected by significant subsidence. In the areas where subsidence occurs, the rates of subsidence vary between 0.7 and 5 cm/yr. Most of the subsidence is in the form of discrete circular patterns and along segments of the observed surface faults. Ground subsidence is concentrated in specific areas on the footwalls of La Colina, Central Camionera and La Paloma faults. Subsidence, however, is not continuous along these faults, but observed only in some segments. In some cases, as in the case of La Paloma fault, the subsidence appears to be directly associated with the strong lithological contrast between the footwall and the hanging wall. In the other two cases, such as the Central Camionera and La Colina faults, the differential subsidence observed appears to be related with the complex basement and sedimentary structure of the volcanic subsoil of the city of Morelia and related primarily to differential compaction of the sedimentary fill.
机译:摘要近年来,墨西哥中部的莫雷利亚(Morelia)市受到土壤的差异沉降的影响,地面沉降和裂缝证明了这一点。这项研究的目的是从InSAR干涉图中获得地面变形时间序列,以确定莫雷利亚市沉降的时空演变。处理了2003年5月至2010年9月采集的28张ENVISAT-ASAR图像。垂直基线和时间基线分别小于400 m和420天,被用作选择干涉图的标准。根据观察到的信号去相关,在总共378张干涉图中,只有65张被认为具有足够的质量。结果表明,莫雷利亚的大部分城市均未受到明显沉降的影响。在发生沉降的区域中,沉降速率在0.7至5 cm / yr之间变化。大多数沉降形式为离散的圆形图案,并沿着观察到的地表断层分段。地面沉降主要集中在La Colina,Camionera中部和La Paloma断层的底盘上的特定区域。但是,沿这些断层的沉降并不是连续的,而仅在某些断层中才观察到。在某些情况下,例如在La Paloma断层的情况下,下沉似乎与下盘和下盘之间强烈的岩性对比直接相关。在另外两个案例中,例如中央Camionera断层和La Colina断层,观察到的差异沉降似乎与莫雷利亚市火山地下土壤的复杂基底和沉积结构有关,并且主要与沉积物填充的差异压实有关。 。



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