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Combining ability analysis for within-boll yield components in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)




Cotton is an important cash crop worldwide, accounting for a large percentage of world agricultural exports; however, yield per acre is still poor in many countries, including Pakistan. Diallel mating system was used to identify parents for improving within-boll yield and fiber quality parameters. Combining ability analysis was employed to obtain suitable parents for this purpose. The parental genotypes CP-15/2, NIAB Krishma, CIM-482, MS-39, and S-12 were crossed in complete diallel mating under green house conditions during 2009. The F0 seed of 20 hybrids and five parents were planted in the field in randomized complete block design with three replications during 2010. There were highly significant differences among all F1 hybrids and their parents. Specific combining ability (SCA) variance was greater than general combining ability (GCA) variance for bolls per plant (9.987), seeds per boll (0.635), seed density (5.672), lint per seed (4.174), boll size (3.69), seed cotton yield (0.315), and lint percentage (0.470), showing predominance of non-additive genes; while seed volume (3.84) was controlled by additive gene action based on maximum GCA variance. Cultivar MS-39 was found to be the best general combiner for seed volume (0.102), seeds per boll (0.448), and lint per seed (0.038) and its utilization produced valuable hybrids, including MS-39 x NIAB Krishma and MS-39 x S-12. The parental line CIM-482 had high GCA effects for boll size (0.33) and seeds per boll (0.90). It also showed good SCA with S-12 and NIAB Krishma for bolls per plant, with CP- 15/2 for boll size, and with MS-39 for seeds per boll. The hybrids, namely, CP-15/2 x NIAB Krishma, NIAB Krishma x S-12, NIAB Krishma x CIM-482, MS-39 x NIAB Krishma, MS-39 x CP-15/2, and S-12 x MS-39 showed promising results. Correlation analysis revealed that seed cotton yield showed significant positive correlation with bolls per plant, boll size and seeds per boll while it showed negative correlation with lint percentage and lint per seed. Seed volume showed significant negative correlation with seed density. Seeds per boll were positively correlated with boll size and negatively correlated with bolls per plant lint percentage and lint per seed. Similarly, lint per seed exhibited positive correlation with lint percentage and boll size showed significantly negative correlation with bolls per plant. Presence of non-additive genetic effects in traits like bolls per plant, seeds per boll, lint per seed, seed cotton yield, and lint percentage is indicative of later generation selection or heterosis breeding may be adopted. For boll size, seed volume and seed density early generation selection may be followed because of the presence of additive gene action. The parental material used in this study and cross combinations obtained from these parents may be exploited in future breeding endeavors.
机译:棉花是世界范围内重要的经济作物,占世界农业出口的很大一部分;但是,在包括巴基斯坦在内的许多国家,每英亩单产仍然很低。使用Diallel交配系统来鉴定亲本,以提高铃内产量和纤维质量参数。结合能力分析被用于为此目的获得合适的父母。亲本基因型CP-15 / 2,NIAB Krishma,CIM-482,MS-39和S-12在温室条件下于2009年在完全的二代交配中杂交。20个杂种和5个亲本的F0种子种植在在2010年进行了3次重复的随机完整区组设计领域。所有F1杂种及其亲本之间的差异都很大。单株铃的结实率(SCA)方差(9.987),每铃种子的结实率(GCA)方差(0.635),种子密度(5.672),每种子棉绒(4.174),铃大小(3.69) ,籽棉产量(0.315)和皮棉百分比(0.470),显示了非加性基因的优势;而种子量(3.84)受基于最大GCA方差的加性基因作用控制。品种MS-39被认为是种子量(0.102),每铃种子(0.448)和每粒种子皮棉(0.038)的最佳综合组合剂,其利用产生了有价值的杂种,包括MS-39 x NIAB Krishma和MS- 39 x S-12。亲本系CIM-482对铃大小(0.33)和每铃种子(0.90)具有较高的GCA效应。它还显示出良好的SCA,其中每株棉铃的S-12和NIAB Krishma,棉铃大小的CP-15 / 2,每棉铃的种子的MS-39都很好。杂种,即CP-15 / 2 x NIAB Krishma,NIAB Krishma x S-12,NIAB Krishma x CIM-482,MS-39 x NIAB Krishma,MS-39 x CP-15 / 2和S-12 x MS-39显示出令人鼓舞的结果。相关分析表明,籽棉产量与单株铃,铃大小和单铃种子呈显着正相关,而与皮棉百分比和单粒皮呈负相关。种子体积与种子密度呈显着负相关。每个棉铃种子与棉铃大小正相关,与棉铃率/植物皮棉百分比和每个种子的棉绒负相关。同样,每粒种子的皮棉与皮棉百分比呈正相关,而棉铃大小与单株棉铃则呈显着负相关。在每株铃,每铃种子,每粒皮棉,种子棉产量和皮棉百分比等性状中均存在非累加遗传效应,表明可以选择后代或采用杂种优势育种。对于棉铃大小,由于存在加性基因作用,因此可以遵循种子体积和种子密度的早期选择。本研究中使用的亲本材料以及从这些亲本中获得的杂交组合可用于将来的育种工作。



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