首页> 外文期刊>Genome Biology and Evolution >Reduced mRNA Secondary-Structure Stability Near the Start Codon Indicates Functional Genes in Prokaryotes

Reduced mRNA Secondary-Structure Stability Near the Start Codon Indicates Functional Genes in Prokaryotes




Several recent studies have found that selection acts on synonymous mutations at the beginning of genes to reduce mRNA secondary-structure stability, presumably to aid in translation initiation. This observation suggests that a metric of relative mRNA secondary-structure stability, ZΔG, could be used to test whether putative genes are likely to be functionally important. Using the Escherichia coli genome, we compared the mean ZΔG of genes with known functions, genes with known orthologs, genes where function and orthology are unknown, and pseudogenes. Genes in the first two categories demonstrated similar levels of selection for reduced stability (increased ZΔG), whereas for pseudogenes stability did not differ from our null expectation. Surprisingly, genes where function and orthology were unknown were also not different from the null expectation, suggesting that many of these open reading frames are not functionally important. We extended our analysis by constructing a Bayesian phylogenetic mixed model based on data from 145 prokaryotic genomes. As in E. coli, genes with no known function had consistently lower ZΔG, even though we expect that many of the currently unannotated genes will ultimately have their functional utility discovered. Our findings suggest that functional genes tend to evolve increased ZΔG, whereas nonfunctional ones do not. Therefore, ZΔG may be a useful metric for identifying genes of potentially important function and could be used to target genes for further functional study.
机译:最近的一些研究发现,选择在基因的开头作用于同义突变,以降低mRNA二级结构的稳定性,大概有助于翻译的启动。该观察结果表明,可以使用相对mRNA二级结构稳定性的量度Z ΔG来检验推定的基因是否可能在功能上很重要。使用大肠杆菌基因组,我们比较了具有已知功能的基因,具有已知直系同源基因的基因,具有未知功能和直系同源性的基因以及假基因的平均Z ΔG。前两类中的基因表现出相似的选择水平,从而降低了稳定性(增加了Z ΔG),而对于假基因,其稳定性与我们的预期没有差异。出乎意料的是,未知功能和矫形器的基因也与预期的无差异,这表明许多开放阅读框在功能上都不重要。我们通过基于145个原核基因组数据构建贝叶斯系统发育混合模型来扩展我们的分析。与大肠杆菌一样,即使我们希望许多目前未注释的基因最终会发现其功能,但未知功能的基因始终具有较低的Z ΔG。我们的发现表明功能基因倾向于进化增加的Z​​ ​​ΔG,而非功能基因则不会。因此,Z ΔG可能是用于识别具有潜在重要功能的基因的有用指标,并可用于靶向基因以进行进一步的功能研究。



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