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Inheritance of ear yield and its components in sweet corn (Zea mays L. saccharat)

机译:甜玉米(Zea mays L. saccharat)的穗产量及其成分的遗传



Sweet corn is mutation of field corn in which greater accumulation of sugars and water soluble polysaccharides provide specific taste and texture. It is consumed in the milky stage of the endosperm, so the product’s quality and its appearance are important as well as ear yield. That is why breeders pay the same attention to these traits in breeding process. In this paper we analyzed combining ability and mode of inheritance of ear yield and yield components in sweet corn, such as kernel-row number, and ear length, by the use of diallel crosses of six sweet corn inbred lines. ANOVA showed that estimates of general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abilities were highly significant (p0.01) for all observed traits. Nonaditive gene effects were more significant in the expression of ear yield and ear length, while additive gene effects were more important for kernel-row number. Analysis of components of genetic variance was in agreement with the results of ANOVA of combining ability. The mode of inheritance of kernel-row number was partial dominance, while overdominance was of greater importance for ear yield, and ear length. Inbred line L4 was indicted as the most desirable, among the examined set of inbreds, in the further sweet corn breeding programs, due to its significant GCA effects concerning ear yield and number of kernels per ear, and ear yield performances of the hybrids in which one of the components was this inbred, according to SCA and hetrosis estimates.
机译:甜玉米是田间玉米的变异,其中糖和水溶性多糖的大量积累提供了特定的口味和质地。它是在胚乳的乳状阶段消耗的,因此产品的质量和外观对耳朵产量至关重要。这就是为什么育种者在育种过程中同样关注这些特征。在本文中,我们通过使用六个甜玉米自交系的Diallel杂交,分析了甜玉米穗产量和产量构成要素(如仁行数和穗长)的结合能力和遗传模式,并进行了分析。方差分析表明,对于所有观察到的性状,一般(GCA)和特异性(SCA)结合能力的估计值均非常显着(p <0.01)。非加性基因效应在穗产量和穗长的表达中更为显着,而加性基因效应对籽粒行数更为重要。遗传变异成分的分析与结合能力的方差分析结果相吻合。籽粒行数的遗传方式是部分优势,而主导优势对耳朵产量和耳朵长度更为重要。在进一步的甜玉米育种计划中,自交系L4被认为是最理想的自交系,因为它对穗产量和每穗粒数以及杂种的穗产量性能具有显着的GCA效应。根据SCA和hetrosis的估计,这种近交是其中之一。



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