首页> 外文期刊>International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development >The Role of Tourist Behaviour in The Determination of Tourist Attractions

The Role of Tourist Behaviour in The Determination of Tourist Attractions




Recently, self-wedding photographs have become popular among soon-to-be married couples, affecting tourism and industry in Jeju Island. From the research on three sites, St. Isidore Farm, Camellia Hill and Saryeoni Forest Trail, this article argues that photographers and self-wedding photographing tourists' role can be important in attracting new visitors by sharing photos through social networking sites. Using a mixed-methods approach - including analysing Instagram photo postings, on-site interviews with managers of the destinations and self-wedding photographers, and questionnaires with self wedding photographing tourists - this study examines the process of discovering new sightseeing places by tourists through self-wedding photographs. The paper also identifies the characteristics of the photogenic spots and records the changes in places caused by these tourists. This paper challenges the understanding of existing tourism resources by asserting that self-wedding photographs and places in Jeju can be utilized as one of the tourism resources through discussion of wedding photographs and tourism.
机译:最近,自婚照片在即将结婚的夫妇中很流行,影响了济州岛的旅游业和工业。根据对三个地点的研究, Isidore Farm,Camellia Hill和Saryeoni Forest Trail的文章认为,摄影师和通过自我婚礼拍摄游客的角色在通过社交网站共享照片来吸引新游客方面可能很重要。本研究使用混合方法(包括分析Instagram照片发布,对目的地经理和自拍摄影师的现场访谈以及与自拍摄影师的问卷调查)研究了游客通过自我发现新的观光地点的过程婚礼照片。本文还确定了上镜景点的特征,并记录了这些游客造成的地点变化。本文认为,通过讨论婚礼照片和旅游活动,可以将济州的自拍照片和地点用作旅游资源之一,从而挑战了对现有旅游资源的理解。



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