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Observations of the Kuroshio Extension by an Autonomous Microstructure Float




The Kuroshio carries tremendous volume of water andtransports large amount of heat, organic and inorganicconstituents, impacting climate, storm tracks, and oceanecosystems. The strong current of the Kuroshio is inherentlyassociated with its frontal structures, with across frontalvariations in temperature and salinity. Mixing of these waterproperties could lead to formations of new watermasses, whichcould be subducted to ocean interior at fronts (Rudnick 1996;Nurser and Zhang 2000). Several studies have suggestedthat the Gulf Stream, a western boundary current in the NorthAtlantic, is a nutrient stream which transports nutrients fromtropical ocean to subpolar regions in its subsurface layers(Pelegri and Csanady 1991; Pelegri et al. 1996). Recent studieshave shown that the subsurface current of the Kuroshio is alsoa nutrient stream in the North Pacific (Guo et al. 2012 and 2013)similarly to the Gulf Stream. Stirring and mixing along the pathof the Kuroshio, from the Kuroshio origin, its main stream offJapan coast, and the Kuroshio Extension, could, therefore,play important roles not only for physical oceanography andair-sea interactions but also for biogeochemistry.
机译:黑潮携带大量的水,并输送大量的热量,有机和无机成分,影响气候,风暴径和海洋生态系统。黑潮的强流与它的额叶结构有着内在的联系,温度和盐度的变化都与额叶的变化有关。这些水属性的混合可能导致新的水团的形成,这些水团可能会被俯冲到前缘的海洋内部(Rudnick 1996; Nurser and Zhang 2000)。多项研究表明,海湾流是北大西洋的西部边界流,是一种营养流,其将营养从热带海洋输送到其地下层的亚极地区(Pelegri和Csanady 1991; Pelegri等人1996)。最近的研究表明,黑潮的地下流也是北太平洋的一种营养流(Guo等人,2012年和2013年),与墨西哥湾流类似。因此,从黑潮起源,日本沿海的主要溪流和黑潮延伸线沿黑潮的路径进行搅拌和混合,不仅对物理海洋学和海-气相互作用,而且对生物地球化学都起着重要作用。



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