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Do Tick Attachment Times Vary between Different Tick-Pathogen Systems?




Improvements to risk assessments are needed to enhance our understanding of tick-borne disease epidemiology. We review tick vectors and duration of tick attachment required for pathogen transmission for the following pathogens/toxins and diseases: (1) Anaplasma phagocytophilum (anaplasmosis); (2) Babesia microti (babesiosis); (3) Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease); (4) Southern tick-associated rash illness; (5) Borrelia hermsii (tick-borne relapsing fever); (6) Borrelia parkeri (tick-borne relapsing fever); (7) Borrelia turicatae (tick-borne relapsing fever); (8) Borrelia mayonii ; (9) Borrelia miyamotoi ; (10) Coxiella burnetii (Query fever); (11) Ehrlichia chaffeensis (ehrlichiosis); (12) Ehrlichia ewingii (ehrlichiosis); (13) Ehrlichia muris ; (14) Francisella tularensis (tularemia); (15) Rickettsia 364D; (16) Rickettsia montanensis ; (17) Rickettsia parkeri (American boutonneuse fever, American tick bite fever); (18) Rickettsia ricketsii (Rocky Mountain spotted fever); (19) Colorado tick fever virus (Colorado tick fever); (20) Heartland virus; (21) Powassan virus (Powassan disease); (22) tick paralysis neurotoxin; and (23) Galactose-α-1,3-galactose (Mammalian Meat Allergy-alpha-gal syndrome). Published studies for 12 of the 23 pathogens/diseases showed tick attachment times. Reported tick attachment times varied (<1 h to seven days) between pathogen/toxin type and tick vector. Not all studies were designed to detect the duration of attachment required for transmission. Knowledge of this important aspect of vector competence is lacking and impairs risk assessment for some tick-borne pathogens.
机译:需要改进风险评估,以增进我们对tick传播疾病流行病学的了解。我们回顾了下列病原体/毒素和疾病的病原体传播所需的滴答载体和滴答附着的持续时间: (2)小巴贝虫病(巴贝斯病); (3)伯氏疏螺旋体(莱姆病); (4)南方tick相关的皮疹病; (5)伯氏疏螺旋体(t传播复发热); (6)Borrelia parkeri(t传传播热); (7)杜氏疏螺旋体(t传播传热); (8)梅氏疏螺旋体; (9)宫本疏螺旋体; (10)柯氏杆菌(发烧); (11)恰菲埃里希氏菌(埃希氏菌病); (12)埃里希氏菌(埃希氏菌病); (13)埃里希氏菌属; (14)土拉弗朗西斯菌(tularemia); (15)立克次体364D; (16)立陶宛立克次体; (17)立克次体帕克立克氏菌(美国波托纳热,美国tick叮咬热); (18)立克次氏菌立克次氏体(落基山斑疹热); (19)科罗拉多tick热(科罗拉多tick热); (20)心地病毒; (21)Powassan病毒(Powassan病); (22)tick麻痹性神经毒素; (23)半乳糖-α-1,3-半乳糖(哺乳动物肉类过敏-α-半乳糖综合症)。对23种病原体/疾病中的12种发表的研究表明tick的附着时间。报告的壁虱附着时间在病原体/毒素类型和壁虱载体之间变化(<1 h至7天)。并非所有研究都旨在检测传播所需的附着持续时间。缺乏对载体能力这一重要方面的了解,并削弱了某些tick传病原体的风险评估。



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