首页> 外文期刊>Electronic journal of theoretical physics >Deficiencies of Bohm Trajectories in View of Basic Quantum Principles

Deficiencies of Bohm Trajectories in View of Basic Quantum Principles




Quantum mechanics has been one of the most successful theories in physics, yet itsfoundation has remained a subject of discussion ever since it was incepted in the 1920s. Whilethe Copenhagen interpretation represents the main-stream view, recent years have witnessedrevived interest in the alternative deterministic, or pilot-wave, interpretation, pioneered byMadelung, de Broglie, and Bohm. It has been argued that these two interpretations are basicallyequivalent. In this article we show that this is not true. We exhibit the approximate nature ofparticle trajectories in Bohm’s quantum mechanics. They follow the streamlines of a superfluidin Madelung’s reformulation of the Schr¨ odinger wave function, around which the proper particletrajectories perform their quantum mechanical fluctuations that ensure Heisenberg’s uncertaintyrelation between position and momentum. These fluctuations explain the apparent discrepancyin the double-slit interference intensities between Bohmian mechanics and observations. Theyare also the reason for the non-existence of a possible radiation that would be emitted by anelectron if its physical trajectory were deflected by the Bohmian quantum potential.
机译:量子力学一直是物理学中最成功的理论之一,但是自从1920年代被人们接受以来,它的基础仍然是一个讨论的主题。尽管哥本哈根的解释代表了主流观点,但近年来,人们对由Madelung,de Broglie和Bohm率先提出的另一种确定性解释或导波解释重新产生了兴趣。有人认为这两种解释基本上是等效的。在本文中,我们证明这是不正确的。我们展示了玻姆量子力学中粒子轨迹的近似性质。它们遵循了超级流体马德隆(Madelung)对薛定inger波函数的重新定义的流水线,围绕该运动,适当的粒子轨迹会执行其量子力学波动,从而确保海森堡在位置和动量之间的不确定性关系。这些波动解释了波姆力学和观测值之间的双缝干涉强度的明显差异。它们也是电子不存在的可能的辐射的原因,如果电子的物理轨迹被鲍姆量子势所偏转,则电子将不会发射该辐射。



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