首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Dentistry >The effect of home-use and in-office bleaching treatments combined with experimental desensitizing agents on enamel and dentin

The effect of home-use and in-office bleaching treatments combined with experimental desensitizing agents on enamel and dentin




Objective:This study aimed to evaluate in vitro the effect of formulations containing Biosilicate to treat enamel and dentin bovine samples exposed to dental bleaching agents.Materials and Methods:On enamel and dentin bleached with commercial gels containing 16% carbamide peroxide (CP) (14 days/4 h) or 35% hydrogen peroxide (single session/45 min), desensitizing dentifrices (Sensodyne?; experimental dentifrice of Biosilicate?; Odontis RX?; Sorriso?) were applied along 14 days and desensitizing pastes (Biosilicate?/water 1:1; Dessensebilize NanoP?; Bioglass type 45S5/water 1:1) were applied on days 1, 3, 7, 10 and 14. Distilled water was the control. Microhardness (MH) and roughness measurements were the variables measured on the samples before and after the treatments. Student's t-test analyzed differences before and after the treatments. Two-way analysis of variance and post-hoc Tukey test analyzed differences among the factors desensitizing, bleaching agents and substrate.Results:Tukey test showed no differences in roughness for both bleaching treatments and among the desensitizing agents (P > 0.05). Differences in MH appeared on enamel treated with in-home bleaching when control group (lower values) was compared with Sensodyne, Biosilicate dentifrice, Biosilicate paste, and Bioglass paste (higher values). Comparisons between desensitizing agents on dentin treated with both bleaching gels showed no statistical differences.Conclusions:The effect of formulations containing Biosilicate (Biosilicate dentifrice and paste) was significant in the MH of enamel bleached with 16% CP.
机译:目的:本研究旨在评估含生物硅酸盐的制剂对牙漂白剂暴露的牙釉质和牙本质牛样品的治疗效果。材料和方法:对牙釉质和牙本质用含有16%过氧化脲(CP)的商业凝胶进行漂白(14在14天的时间内施用3天的双氧水或35%的过氧化氢(单次/ 45分钟),对洁牙剂进行脱敏(Sensodyne?; Biosil?的实验洁牙剂; Odontis RX?; Sorriso?),然后对糊剂进行脱敏(生物硅酸盐?/水在第1、3、7、10和14天施用1∶1;去离子的NanoP 2; 45S5型生物玻璃/水1∶1)。显微硬度(MH)和粗糙度测量值是处理前后在样品上测得的变量。学生的t检验分析了治疗前后的差异。方差的双向分析和事后Tukey检验分析了脱敏因素,漂白剂和基质之间的差异。结果:Tukey检验表明,两种漂白处理方法和脱敏剂的粗糙度均无差异(P> 0.05)。当将对照组(较低的值)与Sensodyne,生物硅酸盐洁齿剂,生物硅酸盐糊剂和生物玻璃糊剂(较高值)进行比较时,用家庭漂白处理的牙釉质中的MH出现差异。两种漂白凝胶处理的牙本质脱敏剂之间的比较无统计学差异。结论:含生物硅酸盐(生物硅酸盐洁齿剂和糊剂)的配方在用16%CP漂白的牙釉质的MH中效果显着。



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