首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Business and Management >The Role of Financial Intermediation in Alleviating Poverty in Ghana: The Case of GCB Bank Ltd

The Role of Financial Intermediation in Alleviating Poverty in Ghana: The Case of GCB Bank Ltd

机译:金融中介在加纳减轻贫困中的作用:以GCB Bank Ltd为例



Poverty is a major challenge that confronts most developing countries including Ghana. Economists believe that the problem of poverty can be tackled through various measures. The main objectives of the study are to explore the role and challenges of financial intermediation in wealth creation and poverty alleviation that face GCB Bank Ltd and also to find ways by which financial intermediation may be improved. The researchers adopted disproportionate stratified sampling. The sample size of 210 was made up of 14 zonal management executives/staff of GCB corporate/SME Banking Division and branches, 50 corporate/SME clients of GCB Bank Ltd, 146 retail clients of GCB Bank Ltd. Interviews and questionnaire were used as data collection instruments. The study revealed that efficiency in capital allocation, income generation, enhancement in private sector productive and Job creation are some of the roles through which financial intermediation alleviates poverty in Ghana. On the other hand, the management of GCB Bank Ltd enumerated various challenges such as high default rate, high bank minimum capitalization, High inter-bank interest rate, failure of interest rates to conform to low policy rates especially in the short – run and the absence of an effective credit reference bureau. Finally, the study proposed, that the best ways to improve financial intermediation are by expanding branch network; constant maintenance of systems, advancing more credit facilities to the informal sector; improving on the use of information technology; and pegging bank interest rate to the policy rate. Keywords: Poverty, GCB Bank Ltd, Financial intermediation
机译:贫穷是包括加纳在内的大多数发展中国家面临的重大挑战。经济学家认为,可以通过各种措施解决贫困问题。该研究的主要目的是探讨金融中介在GCB Bank Ltd面临的财富创造和扶贫中的作用和挑战,并寻找改善金融中介的方式。研究人员采用了不成比例的分层抽样。 210名样本由GCB公司/中小企业银行部和分支机构的14名地区管理执行官/员工,GCB Bank Ltd的50家企业/ SME客户,GCB Bank Ltd的146名零售客户组成。访谈和问卷调查被用作数据收集工具。该研究表明,资本配置的效率,创收,提高私营部门的生产效率和创造就业机会是金融中介机构减轻加纳贫困的一些作用。另一方面,GCB Bank Ltd的管理层列举了各种挑战,例如高违约率,高银行最低资本化,高银行间利率,利率未能符合低政策利率,特别是在短期内以及没有有效的征信机构。最后,研究提出,改善金融中介的最佳方法是扩大分支机构网络。不断维护系统,为非正规部门提供更多的信贷便利;改善信息技术的使用;并将银行利率与政策利率挂钩。关键字:贫困,GCB银行有限公司,金融中介



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