首页> 外文期刊>Eurasian Journal of Soil Science >Irrigated common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) performance on calcareous alkaline soils as influenced by previous crops in North of Sudan

Irrigated common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) performance on calcareous alkaline soils as influenced by previous crops in North of Sudan




This study examines the ability of different cropping sequence (including or not including alfalfa) to improve bean productivity in calcareous and alkaline soils of the old Nile (high) terraces in North of Sudan. The soil in the experimental site is sandy clay to sandy clay loom. Soil properties were examined before planting and after bean harvest. Salinity which was greater in non-reclaimed soil decreased regardless of the cropping sequence. Soil alkalinity remain higher than 8 in all cropping sequence after more than 6-7 cropping seasons. P (Olsen) and calcium carbonate showed inconsistent trends regardless of the cropping sequence. Organic carbon increased after bean cultivation in both cropping sequence. Change in growth parameters as affected by cropping sequence were significant in various levels, however, that determining yield were not. Presence of alfalfa in the cropping sequence increased seed yield, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pods, pod length, plant length, leaf length, leaf width, fresh plant weight, nodule number. However seed weight was decreased.



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