首页> 外文期刊>Eurasian Journal of Soil Science >Imaging soil pore characteristics using computed tomography as influenced by agroecosystems

Imaging soil pore characteristics using computed tomography as influenced by agroecosystems




Soil pore parameters are important for water infiltration into the soil and transport within the soil. The aim of this study was to compare influences of agroecosystems on soil pore characteristics (number of pores, macropores, coarse mesopores, porosity, macroporosity, coarse mesoporosity, pore circularity) using computed tomography (CT). This experiment was carried out four different agroecosystem field [Tucker Prairie (TP): native prairie, Prairie Fork (PF): restored prairie, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), and row crop (RC): corn/soybean rotation] in Missouri state of United States during the year of 2017. Undisturbed soil samples were collected at four soil depths (0-10, 10-20, 20-30, and 30-40 cm) from each treatment with three replications. Five scan images from each sample were acquired using a X-ray CT scanner with 0.19 by 0.19 mm pixel resolution with 0.5 mm slice thickness and analyzed with Image-J. TP, PF, CRP, and RC treatments had 195, 88, 112, and 49 pores on a 2500 mm2 area, respectively across all the depths. Soil under TP and CRP treatment had significantly higher porosity (0.046 m3 m-3, 0.046 m3 m-3), and macroporosity (0.036 m3 m-3, 0.041 m3 m-3) values than other treatments. The CT-measured number of macropores (1000 μm diam.) were 5 times higher for TP when compared with RC treatment. The CT-measured pore circularity values were lower for CRP and RC treatments. CT-measured number of coarse mesopores, and mesoporosity were significantly greater under TP treatment. Results show that native prairie can improve soil pore parameters.
机译:土壤孔隙参数对于水渗透到土壤中以及在土壤中的运输非常重要。这项研究的目的是使用计算机断层扫描(CT)来比较农业生态系统对土壤孔隙特征(孔隙数量,大孔,粗中孔,孔隙度,大孔隙度,粗中孔隙度,孔隙圆度)的影响。该实验在密苏里州进行了四个不同的农业生态系统田地[塔克草原(TP):原生草原,草原叉(PF):恢复的草原,自然保护区计划(CRP)和大田作物(RC):玉米/大豆轮作]。于2017年美国。从每种处理中,在四个土壤深度(0-10、10-20、20-30和30-40 cm)深度采集未扰动的土壤样品,重复三次。使用具有0.19 x 0.19 mm像素分辨率和0.5 mm切片厚度的X射线CT扫描仪获取每个样品的五个扫描图像,并使用Image-J进行分析。 TP,PF,CRP和RC处理分别在所有深度的2500 mm2区域上有195、88、112和49个孔。 TP和CRP处理的土壤的孔隙率(0.046 m3 m-3,0.046 m3 m-3)和大孔隙率(0.036 m3 m-3,0.041 m3 m-3)显着高于其他处理。与RC处理相比,TP测量的TP的大孔数量(直径大于1000μm)高5倍。对于CRP和RC处理,CT测量的孔圆度值较低。在TP处理下,CT测量的粗中孔数量和中孔率显着增加。结果表明,天然草原可以改善土壤孔隙参数。



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