首页> 外文期刊>Eurasian Journal of Soil Science >Sorption – desorption of imidacloprid insecticide on Indian soils of five different locations

Sorption – desorption of imidacloprid insecticide on Indian soils of five different locations




Sorption - desorption processes govern the movement of all chemicals including pesticides in soils. The present investigation was undertaken to study the sorp tion - desorption of imidacloprid, using a batch method, on soils of five different location of India. Sorption data were fitted to Freundlich isotherm. The log K value was the highest for loam typ e soil (1.830) and the lowest for clay type soil (1.661). The value of 1 was the maximum for silt loam soil (0.909 ) but minimum for loam soil (0.723). Simple correlation analysis indicated that among soil properties on ly electrical conductivity showed a higher but marginally non - significant negative correlation with log K (r = - 0.826) indicating that higher concentrat ion of solutes solutes are conducive to low sorption capacity of soil. The desorption data conformed to two surfaces Freundlich desorption isotherm. The values of 1 1 ' corresponding to easily desorbed fraction of imidacloprid showed significant negative c orrelation with soil pH (r = - 0.886, significant at p ≤0.05) but significant positive correlation with clay content (r = 0.980, significant at p ≤0.01). The desorption index for easily desorbed fraction of imidacloprid (n 1 ') also had significant negative correlation with soil pH (r = 0.953, significant at p ≤0.05). From cumulative desorption data, it appeared that bioavailability of imidacloprid would be lower in neutral soil than acidic or alkaline soils.
机译:吸附-解吸过程控制着包括农药在内的所有化学物质在土壤中的移动。本研究旨在通过分批方法研究印度五个不同地点的土壤中吡虫啉的吸附-解吸。吸附数据适合Freundlich等温线。 log K值对于典型的壤土是最高的(1.830),而对于粘土型土壤是最低的(1.661)。 1 / n的值对于粉壤土最大(0.909),但是对于壤土最小(0.723)。简单的相关分析表明,土壤电导率之间的相关性与log K呈较高的负相关(r =-0.826),表明溶质的浓度较高有助于降低土壤的吸附能力。解吸数据符合两个表面的Freundlich解吸等温线。与吡虫啉易解吸组分相对应的1 / n 1'值与土壤pH呈显着负相关(r =-0.886,在p≤0.05时显着),但与粘土含量呈显着正相关(r = 0.980,在p时显着) ≤0.01)。吡虫啉易解吸组分的解吸指数(n 1'/ n)也与土壤pH呈显着负相关(r = 0.953,在p≤0.05时显着)。从累积的解吸数据来看,吡虫啉在中性土壤中的生物利用度似乎低于酸性或碱性土壤。



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