首页> 外文期刊>Encontros Bibli: revista de biblioteconomia e ciencia da informacao >Los catalogos en linea de acceso publico en las bibliotecas argentinas con colecciones juridicas 10.5007/1518-2924.2006v11n22p91

Los catalogos en linea de acceso publico en las bibliotecas argentinas con colecciones juridicas 10.5007/1518-2924.2006v11n22p91

机译:阿根廷图书馆公共访问的在线目录及其合法藏书10.5007 / 1518-2924.2006v11n22p91



User interfaces of web based online public access catalogs (OPACs) of Argentine libraries with law collections are studied to provide a diagnosis of the situation of bibliographic description, subject analisis, help messages and bibliographic display. A cuali-cuantitative methodology is adopted and a checklist of systems functions created by Hildreth (1982), updated according to recent advances, has been used as data collection tool. The resulting 38 closed questions checklist has allowed to observe the frequency of appearance of the basic functions of four areas: Area I – operational control; Area II, subdivided in search formulation control and access points; Area III – output control and IV – user assistance: information and instruction. The study is carried out on the information obtained from 43 information units. Results show that most of the OPACs surveyed are in an initial implementation step and do not respond to users′needs
机译:研究了具有法律依据的阿根廷图书馆基于Web的在线公共访问目录(OPAC)的用户界面,以提供对书目描述,主题分析,帮助消息和书目显示情况的诊断。采用定量分析的方法,由希尔德雷斯(Hildreth,1982)创建的系统功能清单根据最新进展进行了更新,已用作数据收集工具。由此产生的38个封闭问题核对表使我们可以观察四个区域基本功能的出现频率:I区–操作控制; II区,分为搜索公式控制和访问点;区域III –输出控制,区域IV –用户帮助:信息和指导。这项研究是对从43个信息单位获得的信息进行的。结果表明,大多数被调查的OPAC都处于初始实施阶段,并且没有响应用户的需求



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