首页> 外文期刊>Environmental and Experimental Biology >Optimization of plant mineral nutrition revisited: the roles of plant requirements, nutrient interactions, and soil properties in fertilization management

Optimization of plant mineral nutrition revisited: the roles of plant requirements, nutrient interactions, and soil properties in fertilization management




The aim of the present review is to provide a summary of the research on plant mineral nutrition diagnostics and optimization carried out during 1950 to 1990 in the Laboratory of Plant Mineral Nutrition, Institute of Biology, University of Latvia, under the supervision of professor G. Rinkis. The results of this large-scale and long-term investigation have been published as numerous monographs, dissertation theses and scientific papers. Based on the obtained results, a complex method for optimization of plant mineral nutrition was developed. The main achievements and principles of these studies are widely used today in different research directions of plant mineral nutrition in Latvia: plant adaptive responses to different environmental stresses (heavy metal pollution, salinity, and nutrient imbalances), growth optimization of new crop cultures etc. Only a limited part of this broad scientifically and practically valuable work is included in the present review.
机译:本综述的目的是提供1950年至1990年在拉脱维亚大学生物研究所植物矿物质营养实验室中在G教授的指导下进行的植物矿物质营养诊断和优化研究的摘要。 Rinkis。这项大规模和长期调查的结果已发表为许多专着,论文论文和科学论文。基于获得的结果,开发了一种优化植物矿物质营养的复杂方法。这些研究的主要成就和原理如今已广泛用于拉脱维亚植物矿物质营养的不同研究方向:植物对不同环境胁迫(重金属污染,盐度和营养失衡)的适应性反应,新作物栽培的生长优化等。本综述仅包含这项广泛的具有科学和实践价值的工作的有限部分。



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