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Thymic Hyperplasia as a Source of Ectopic ACTH Production




References(17) Cited-By(7) A 26 year-old man with suspected Cushing's disease underwent transsphenoidal exploration of the pituitary without any evidence of microadenoma or hyperplasia. Progressive hypercortisolism necessitated bilateral adrenalectomy. Postoperatively, skin pigmentation gradually developed with a marked elevation of plasma ACTH levels, and CT scanning uncovered a thymic mass. Following removal of the thymic mass, skin pigmentation disappeared and plasma ACTH levels fell to normal. The excised mass was found to be a benign thymic hyperplasia without epithelial or carcinoid tumor cells. However, gel chromatography showed that the thymic tissue extract contained high ACTH content comparable to that of ectopic ACTH-producing tumors with a major component corresponding to ACTH(1-39). Northern blot analysis and in situ hybridization revealed the expression of pro-opiomelanocortin transcripts in lymphocytes of thymic hyperplasia. This report suggests that lymphocytes in thymic hyperplasia are the most likely site of deregulated ACTH expression causing ectopic ACTH syndrome.
机译:参考文献(17)被引(7)一名疑似库欣病的26岁男性,经蝶窦探查垂体,无任何微腺瘤或增生迹象。进行性皮质醇过多症必须进行双侧肾上腺切除术。术后,皮肤色素沉着逐渐发展,血浆ACTH水平明显升高,CT扫描发现胸腺肿块。去除胸腺肿块后,皮肤色素沉着消失,血浆ACTH水平降至正常。发现切除的肿块是良性胸腺增生,没有上皮或类癌瘤细胞。但是,凝胶色谱法显示,胸腺组织提取物中的ACTH含量与异位产生ACTH的肿瘤相当,其主要成分与ACTH(1-39)相对应。 Northern印迹分析和原位杂交揭示了胸腺增生性淋巴细胞中原黑皮皮质素转录本的表达。该报告表明胸腺增生中的淋巴细胞是引起异位ACTH综合征的ACTH表达失调的最可能部位。



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