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Enhancing PV modules efficiency and power output using multi-concept cooling technique




The efficiency and power output of a PV module decrease at the peak of sunlight due to energy loss as heat energyand this reduces the module power output. Multi-concept cooling technique, a concept that involves three types of passive cooling, namely conductive cooling, air passive cooling and water passive cooling has the potential to tackle this challenge. The experiment was set up using two solar panels of 250 watts each with both modules mounted at a height of 37?cm to create room for air-cooling, with the application of water-cooling at the surface of one of the PV modules to reduce the surface temperature to 20 ? ° C. The rear of the same module attached to an aluminium, Al heat sink. The other module also mounted was without water-cooling and Al heat sink attachment. The Al heat sink comprises aluminium plate attached with aluminium fins to aid cooling, and water at a reduced temperature achieved with the introduction blocks of ice facilitated the module surface cooling. Analysis of the power output achieved, carried out with the help of the equation for PV array power output with a derating factor of 80%. The experiment recorded an increase in output power of 20.96 watts, and an increase in efficiency of not less than 3% achieved thus making the module more efficient and productive.
机译:由于作为热能的能量损失,PV模块的效率和功率输出在日照高峰时降低,这降低了模块功率输出。多概念冷却技术是一种涉及三种类型的被动冷却的概念,即传导冷却,空气被动冷却和水被动冷却具有解决这一挑战的潜力。使用两块250瓦的太阳能电池板进行实验,两个电池板均安装在37?cm的高度上,以提供空气冷却的空间,并在其中一个光伏模块的表面施加水冷以减少表面温度达到20℃ °C。同一模块的背面连接到铝制铝散热器。另一个安装的模块没有水冷和铝制散热器。 Al散热器包括铝板,铝板上附有铝翅片以帮助冷却,而通过冰块引入的较低温度的水有助于模块表面冷却。借助降额系数为80%的PV阵列功率输出方程,对获得的功率输出进行了分析。实验记录了输出功率增加了20.96瓦,效率提高了不少于3%,从而使模块更加高效和高效。



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