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Pest risk assessment of Atropellis spp. for the EU territory

机译:Atropellis spp的虫害风险评估。欧盟领土



Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Plant Health (PLH) Panel performed a risk assessment for Atropellis spp. in the EU focusing on the risk of entry, the host range and the potential impacts. Atropellis is a fungal pathogen of several Pinus spp. in North America. The pathogen has not been reported from Europe and is a quarantine pest regulated in Annex IIAI of Council Directive 2000/29/EC on plants (other than fruit and seeds), isolated bark and wood of Pinus. The main pathways of entry considered were Pinus plants, wood and isolated bark. Given the ban of importing Pinus plants from outside Europe into the EU and the lack of information on EU imports of isolated Pinus bark, only the wood pathway was assessed quantitatively. The conclusion of the assessment of entry for scenario A0 (current regulatory situation) is that the risk of entry of Atropellis spp. is close to zero. This conclusion is expected to apply also in the case of removing the specific Atropellis regulations, because of the remaining generic Pinus requirements, as well as in a scenario with additional risk reduction options. The uncertainty associated with this assessment is relatively limited, given that all the quartiles of the estimated distribution of the number of potential founder populations are close to zero. For the North American Pinus spp. known to be susceptible and widely planted in the EU (mainly P. contorta and P. strobus), the damage observed in North America (loss of wood quality, stem deformations, mortality in young stands, environmental consequences) is expected in the EU to a similar (or higher) degree, should the pathogen be introduced. Similar impacts are expected on the European Pinus spp. known to be host of Atropellis spp. These include widespread and locally abundant species such as P. nigra, P. sylvestris and P. pinaster. There are, however, large uncertainties associated with this impact assessment due to the unknown susceptibility of several other Pinus spp. present in Europe. There is a need for research on the susceptibility to Atropellis spp. of those European Pinus spp.
机译:应欧洲委员会的要求,EFSA植物健康(PLH)小组对Atropellis spp进行了风险评估。在欧盟,重点关注入境风险,东道国范围和潜在影响。 Atropellis是几种松属的真菌病原体。在北美。欧洲尚未报告该病原体,它是理事会指令2000/29 / EC的附件IIAI中针对植物(水果和种子除外),松树的分离树皮和木材的检疫性有害生物。考虑的主要进入途径是松树植物,木材和孤立的树皮。鉴于禁止从欧洲以外的地区将松树植物进口到欧盟,并且缺乏有关欧盟从孤立松树皮进口欧盟的信息,因此仅对木材途径进行了定量评估。方案A0(当前监管情况)的进入评估的结论是,Atropellis spp进入的风险。接近零。由于仍保留通用的Pinus要求,并且在具有其他降低风险选项的情况下,预期该结论也将适用于删除特定的Atropellis法规的情况。鉴于潜在创始人人数估计分布的所有四分位数都接近零,因此与该评估相关的不确定性相对有限。对于北美松属。已知在欧盟易感且广泛种植(主要是斑节对虾和刺线虫),预计在北美,北美地区观察到的破坏(木材质量下降,茎变质,幼林死亡率,环境后果)如果引入病原体,则达到相似(或更高)的程度。预计会对欧洲松树属植物产生类似的影响。已知是Atropellis spp的宿主。这些物种包括广泛分布的和本地丰富的物种,如黑假单胞菌,樟子松和pinaster。然而,由于其他几种松属植物的敏感性不明,与这种影响评估相关的不确定性很大。目前在欧洲。需要研究对Atropellis spp的敏感性。那些欧洲松树属。


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