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Food and feeding habits of some Nile River fish and their relationship to the availability of natural food resources




The present work aims to investigate the food items and the feeding habits of some Nile fish namely;Alestes baremoze,Labeo niloticus,Mormyrus kannumeandOreochromis niloticusthat were collected from El-Qanater Al-Khairia during spring 2018 as well as to study their correlation with live food. The examination of the plankton samples revealed that there were 25 phytoplankton species belonging to 6 phyla of the plant kingdom. The common phytoplankton phyla were Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, and Dinophyceae. Twenty-five species and other immature stages representing the zooplankton community were categorized in ten groups of the animal kingdom. The dominant groups were Rotifera, Protozoa, Copepoda, Cladocera and Polychaeta. The benthic fauna collected from the study area comprised of 7 groups of the animal kingdom represented in 10 species and other immature stages. The recorded groups were Mollusca, Foraminifera, Annelida, Insecta and Decapoda. The present results showed that the feeding intensity in the studied fish were moderate, being 60% inA. baremoze; 53.85% inL. niloticus; 66.67% inM. kannumeand 53.57% inO. niloticus. Analysis of the stomach contents revealed thatA. baremozeis a plankton feeder and consumed a wide range of phyto- and zooplankton.L. niloticusis majorly herbivorous and consumed a great variety of plant food.M. kannumeis mainly a carnivorous benthic feeder consuming a great range of animal food, whileO. niloticusis mostly omnivorous consuming high varieties of plant and animal food. The forage ratio of stomach contents showed thatA. baremozeandM. kannumeare selective feeders. However,L. niloticusandO. niloticusdepended on the food availability in nature and selectivity.
机译:本工作旨在调查2018年春季从El-Qanater Al-Khairia收集的一些尼罗河鱼类的食性和摄食习惯,即Alestes baremoze,Labeo niloticus,Mormyrus kannume和Oreochromis niloticus,并研究它们与活食的相关性。对浮游生物样本的检查表明,有25种浮游植物属于植物界的6个门。常见的浮游植物门系有芽孢杆菌,绿藻,蓝藻和藻科。代表浮游动物群落的25个物种和其他未成熟阶段被划分为10个动物界。优势群体是轮虫,原生动物,Co足类,克拉多菌和多毛纲。从研究区收集的底栖动物区系由代表10种和其他未成熟阶段的7个动物界组成。记录的组是软体动物,有孔虫,An科,昆虫纲和十足目。目前的结果表明,所研究鱼类的摄食强度中等,在A中为60%。巴雷莫兹53.85%inL。尼罗罗非鱼66.67%inM。钾和53.57%in O.罗非鱼对胃内容物的分析表明A。 Baremoze是一种浮游生物饲养者,消耗了大量的浮游植物和浮游动物。尼罗罗非鱼主要是草食性,并消耗了多种植物性食物。 kannumeis主要是食肉底栖动物饲养者,消耗大量动物性食物,而O。尼罗罗非鱼主要杂食性食用动植物食物。胃内容物的饲草比显示为A。 Baremozeand kannumeare选择性饲养者。但是,L。尼罗罗非鱼尼罗罗非鱼取决于自然界中食物的可获得性和选择性。



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