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Air pollution impacts due to petroleum extraction in the Norwegian Sea during the ACCESS aircraft campaign




Emissions from oil/gas extraction activities in the Arctic are already important in certain regions and may increase as global warming opens up new opportunities for industrial development. Emissions from oil/gas extraction are sources of air pollutants, but large uncertainties exist with regard to their amounts and composition. In this study, we focus on detailed investigation of emissions from oil/gas extraction in the Norwegian Sea combining measurements from the EU ACCESS aircraft campaign in July 2012 and regional chemical transport modeling. The goal is to (1) evaluate emissions from petroleum extraction activities and (2) investigate their impact on atmospheric composition over the Norwegian Sea. Numerical simulations include emissions for permanently operating offshore facilities from two datasets: the TNO-MACC inventory and emissions reported by Norwegian Environment Agency (NEA). It was necessary to additionally estimate primary aerosol emissions using reported emission factors since these emissions are not included in the inventories for our sites. Model runs with the TNO-MACC emissions are unable to reproduce observations close to the facilities. Runs using the NEA emissions more closely reproduce the observations although emissions from mobile facilities are missing from this inventory. Measured plumes suggest they are a significant source of pollutants, in particular NOx and aerosols. Sensitivities to NOx and NMVOC emissions show that, close to the platforms, O3 is sensitive to NOx emissions and is much less sensitive to NMVOC emissions. O3 destruction, via reaction with NO, dominates very close to the platforms. Far from the platforms, oil/gas facility emissions result in an average daytime O3 enhancement of +2% at the surface. Larger enhancements are predicted at noon ranging from +7% at the surface to +15% at 600 m. Black carbon is the aerosol species most strongly influenced by petroleum extraction emissions. The results highlight significant uncertainties in emissions related to petroleum extraction emissions in the Arctic.
机译:在某些地区,北极油气开采活动的排放已经很重要,并且随着全球变暖为工业发展带来新机遇,排放量可能会增加。石油/天然气开采过程中产生的排放是空气污染物的来源,但是在其数量和组成方面存在很大的不确定性。在这项研究中,我们将结合2012年7月欧盟ACCESS飞机战役的测量结果和区域化学物质运输模型,对挪威海油气开采产生的排放进行详细调查。目的是(1)评估石油开采活动产生的排放,以及(2)研究其对挪威海大气成分的影响。数值模拟包括来自两个数据集的永久性海上作业设施的排放量:TNO-MACC清单和挪威环境署(NEA)报告的排放量。有必要使用报告的排放因子来估算主要的气溶胶排放,因为这些排放未包括在我们站点的清单中。具有TNO-MACC排放的模型运行无法复制设施附近的观测值。使用NEA排放的运行更接近地重现了观察结果,尽管此清单中缺少移动设施的排放。测得的羽流表明它们是污染物的重要来源,尤其是NOx和气溶胶。对NOx和NMVOC排放的敏感性表明,在平台附近,O3对NOx排放敏感,而对NMVOC排放的敏感度要低得多。通过与NO反应,O3破坏非常靠近平台。远离平台,石油/天然气设施的排放导致地面平均日间O3增强+ 2%。预计中午会有更大的增强,从地表+ 7%到600 m处+ 15%。黑碳是受石油开采排放影响最大的气溶胶物种。结果表明,北极地区与石油开采相关的排放存在很大的不确定性。



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