首页> 外文期刊>Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management >Intellectual Capital Based Evaluation Framework for Dynamic Distributed Software Development

Intellectual Capital Based Evaluation Framework for Dynamic Distributed Software Development




This article presents constructing of an evaluation framework for dynamic distributed software development (DDSD). The topic examines building the capabilities, evaluating the efficiency and scaling up the performance of globally distributed software development teams in environments that demand high operational excellence, innovativeness and other intellectual properties.Three universities and four ICT service and software companies in Finland collaborate on a research project, DD?SCALE (2014?2016). The project objectives are to investigate and develop measurement solutions, tools and work practices for managing and evaluating DDSD work. The challenge of harnessing human and social capital assets for scaling high?performing teams to fit with high?performing organizations is addressed. The research began with an explorative phase for designing the preliminary concept of the evaluation framework which further defined the research questions. The increased knowledge of the object of study brought a better standpoint to judge among various approaches for the framework. Theories of Intellectual capital (IC), Performance management, productivity and distributed software development were investigated. The results of the paper are: 1) conceptualizing productivity of DDSD operations in terms of an evaluation framework on individual, team and organizational levels with dynamic IC emphasis; 2) a categorization of evaluation indicators on three aggregation levels; and 3) a baseline construction for the framework with practical trials. Contributions to the scientific community are: 1) a conceptualization of productivity in knowledge intensive technology developer organizations in terms of dynamic IC and; 2) a model for conceptualizing how the impact of dynamic IC on productivity is manifested and seen in such organizations. Both views extend the applicability of productivity as measurement within knowledge intensive organizations. Contributions to management practitioners are: 1) management and development of work practices and; 2) guidelines in exploiting the full gain from advancements in high performing software research, development and innovation (RDI) within globally distributed setting.??.
机译:本文介绍了动态分布式软件开发(DDSD)评估框架的构建。该主题探讨了在要求高运营卓越性,创新性和其他知识产权的环境中构建能力,评估效率和扩大全球分布的软件开发团队的绩效的问题。芬兰的三所大学和四家ICT服务和软件公司合作进行了一项研究项目,DD?SCALE(2014?2016)。该项目的目标是研究和开发用于管理和评估DDSD工作的度量解决方案,工具和工作实践。解决了利用人力和社会资本资产来扩展高绩效团队以适应高绩效组织的挑战。该研究从探索阶段开始,用于设计评估框架的初步概念,从而进一步定义了研究问题。对研究对象的了解增加,使人们可以更好地判断框架的各种方法。研究了智力资本(IC),绩效管理,生产力和分布式软件开发的理论。论文的结果是:1)根据个人,团队和组织级别的评估框架,以动态IC强调概念化DDSD运营的生产力; 2)在三个汇总级别上对评估指标进行分类;和3)带有实践试验的框架的基线构造。对科学界的贡献是:1)从动态IC角度对知识密集型技术开发人员组织的生产率进行概念化;以及2)一个模型,用于概念化如何在此类组织中体现和看到动态IC对生产率的影响。两种观点都扩展了生产力作为知识密集型组织内部度量的适用性。对管理从业人员的贡献是:1)管理和发展工作实践;以及2)在全球分布环境中充分利用高性能软件研究,开发和创新(RDI)的进步所获得的指导原则。



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