首页> 外文期刊>Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management >Are Small Businesses Really Able to Take Advantage of Social Media?

Are Small Businesses Really Able to Take Advantage of Social Media?




In recent years the adoption of ICT by small enterprises has been growing thanks to prices reduction, diffusion of digital services in SaaS modality, cloud computing and ICT consumerization. However little is known about how small enterprises use these technologies and in particular social media. Social media open up a new way of doing business, based on innovative concepts such as sharing, collaboration and co?creation. However, this is a little?known model, with still unknown implications on management and organization. For this reason it is not enough to know how much small enterprises use social media, but it is necessary to understand how small enterprises use them. The aim of the paper is to understand if small enterprises are able to fully exploit social media potentialities. To this end a sample of 48 Italian small firms is analyzed. Data has been collected by websites? analysis, a questionnaire survey and interviews with entrepreneurs and/or ICT/Marketing managers. Results show that, although social media are quite common among small businesses, they are not always able to use these tools in a truly profitable way. Social media are often introduced because they are "fashionable", because companies feel "forced" to use them, as "all competitors do it". The research, however, has highlighted the existence of a wide range of different situations. Together with low innovative businesses, in fact, there are also other small businesses that are very open to the use of social channels and interactive technologies and able to take full advantage of their adoption. Entrepreneur?s mentality makes a difference in these companies, and in particular entrepreneurs? ability to conceive new ways of doing business and his willingness to get involved with new initiatives.??.
机译:近年来,由于价格降低,SaaS方式中的数字服务普及,云计算和ICT消费化,小型企业对ICT的采用正在增长。但是,关于小型企业如何使用这些技术,特别是社交媒体知之甚少。社交媒体基于诸如共享,协作和共创等创新概念开辟了一种新的经商方式。但是,这是一个鲜为人知的模型,对管理和组织的影响仍然未知。因此,仅了解小型企业使用社交媒体的数量还不够,但是必须了解小型企业如何使用社交媒体。本文的目的是了解小型企业是否能够充分利用社交媒体的潜力。为此,分析了48家意大利小企业的样本。网站已经收集数据了吗?分析,问卷调查以及与企业家和/或ICT /市场经理的访谈。结果表明,尽管社交媒体在小型企业中非常普遍,但它们并不总是能够以真正有利可图的方式使用这些工具。社交媒体之所以经常被引入是因为它们“时尚”,因为公司感到“被迫”使用它,就像“所有竞争对手都这样做”一样。然而,这项研究强调了各种不同情况的存在。实际上,与创新能力低下的企业一起,还有其他一些小型企业,它们非常愿意使用社交渠道和互动技术,并能够充分利用这些技术。企业家的心态对这些公司特别是企业家有很大的影响?具备构想新的经商方式的能力以及他参与新计划的意愿。



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