首页> 外文期刊>Electronic Journal of Biotechnology >Comparison of whole-genome amplifications for microsatellite genotyping of Rotylenchulus reniformis

Comparison of whole-genome amplifications for microsatellite genotyping of Rotylenchulus reniformis




Currently, a large number of microsatellites are available for Rotylenchulus reniformis (reniform nematode); however, two barriers exist for genotyping samples from different geographical areas. The limited amount of nucleic acids obtained from single nematodes which would require their multiplication to obtain enough DNA for testing; and the strictly regulated transport of live samples and multiplication in greenhouse for being a plant pathogen. Whole-genome amplification (WGA) of samples consisting of one and five dead gravid females with their associated egg masses was successfully performed on disrupted tissue using three commercial kits. DNA yield after WGA ranged from 0.5 to 8 μg and was used to test 96 microsatellite markers we previously developed for the reniform nematode. The results were compared to those of fingerprinting the original population (MSRR03). Out of 96 markers tested, 71 had amplicons in MSRR03. Using WGA of single gravid females with their associated egg masses, 86-93% of the alleles found on MSRR03 were detected, and 87-88% of the alleles found on MSRR03 when using WGA of samples composed of five gravid females with their associated egg masses as template. Our results indicate that reniform nematode samples as small as a single gravid female with her associated egg mass can be used in WGA and direct testing with microsatellites, giving consistent results when compared to the original population.
机译:目前,有大量的微卫星可用于轮状轮虫(肾形线虫)。然而,对来自不同地理区域的样品进行基因分型存在两个障碍。从单个线虫获得的核酸数量有限,需要对其进行扩增才能获得足够的DNA进行测试;严格控制活体样品的运输和在温室中繁殖,以作为植物病原体。使用三种市售试剂盒成功地在破裂的组织上进行了由一和五名死亡妊娠雌性及其相关卵量组成的样品的全基因组扩增(WGA)。 WGA后的DNA产量为0.5至8μg,可用于测试我们先前为肾形线虫开发的96个微卫星标记。将结果与对原始种群进行指纹分析的结果(MSRR03)进行比较。在测试的96个标记中,有71个在MSRR03中具有扩增子。使用单胎妊娠雌性的WGA及其相关卵量,当使用由五只妊娠雌性及其相关卵组成的样品的WGA时,检测到MSRR03上发现的等位基因为86-93%,MSRR03等位基因为87-88%群众作为模板。我们的结果表明,与单个卵相关的卵重的肾形线虫样本及其卵量可用于WGA和微卫星直接测试,与原始种群相比,结果一致。



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