首页> 外文期刊>In die Skriflig >Is die idee van 'n kerkorde nog kerklik byderwets?

Is die idee van 'n kerkorde nog kerklik byderwets?




Is the idea of a church order still relevant for the modern church? The question is whether church order could be of any sig- nificance for the church of our time. Should the church order be modernised to fit the church of a new millennium? Is the con- cept of a church order at all still feasible for the modern church? ? Where does the idea of a church order come from? This article shows that the concept of a church order originated from the Scriptures, the Old and the New Testaments. Throughout church history there was always the danger that where the church order became insignificant, the existence of the church itself came under threat.? The real questions are what a church order ought not to be and what it ought to be. This article determined that the church or- der has no independent authority. The church order should not be rendered as a church law. In fact, the church order should be only the principle-bearing pointer to the Word of God. In itself the church order has no own authority. It is only a servant of the authority of the Word. As such a Scripture-bound church order is indispensable for the existence of the church, also the church of our time. The nature of such a church order is not to create the services of the church, nor the essence of church being, but to ensure the task of the church to proclaim the Word of God and to protect the solemn being of the church in its orderly existence as the people of God in this world.
机译:教会秩序的观念对现代教会仍然有用吗?问题是教会秩序对我们这个时代的教会是否有任何意义。教会秩序是否应该现代化以适应新千年的教会?教会秩序的概念对于现代教会是否仍然可行? ?教会秩序的思想从何而来?本文表明,教会秩序的概念起源于圣经,旧约和新约。在整个教会历史上,总有这样的危险:教会秩序微不足道,教会本身的生存受到威胁。真正的问题是教会秩序不应该是什么,它应该是什么。本文确定教堂令没有独立的权力。教会秩序不应被视为教会法。实际上,教会的秩序应该仅仅是指向上帝圣言的原则指针。教会秩序本身没有自己的权威。它只是话语权威的仆人。因此,受圣经约束的教会秩序对于教会以及我们这个时代的教会的存在是必不可少的。这种教会秩序的本质不是创造教会的服务,也不是创造教会的本质,而是确保教会宣扬上帝圣言并在其秩序中保护教会的庄严存在的任务。作为这个世界上上帝的子民而存在。



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