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Guidelines for the application of the Theophostic Prayer Ministry




The basic principle of the Theophostic Prayer Ministry (TPM) is to attempt to resolve clients' present conflict by finding healing for past wounds in prayer. The TPM model has a unique advantage over non-Christian models in that it pursues the healing of past wounds by means of binding the suffering back to God. “Koinonia” (the fellowship of believers), “communio” (a deeper sense of the involvement of God), “coram Deo” (the ever-presence of God), as well as “pneumatonomic synergy” (being in balance with the holy plan of God), are restored, launching a new life. The TPM relies on three types of memory: visual, emotional and physical memory. Freeing a person from his/her helpless state is to guide that person towards divine revelation. The outcome unfolds as a sincere and holy recovery in Christ.
机译:Theophostic祷告部(TPM)的基本原则是通过为祷告中的过去伤口寻求治愈来尝试解决客户目前的冲突。 TPM模型相对于非基督教模型具有独特的优势,因为它通过将痛苦归还给上帝来追求过去伤口的愈合。 “ Koinonia”(信徒的团契),“ communio”(对神的参与有更深的认识),“ coram Deo”(神的存在)以及“ pneumatonomic协同作用”(与上帝的圣洁计划),得到了恢复,开始了新的生活。 TPM依赖于三种类型的记忆:视觉,情感和身体记忆。将一个人从他/她的无助状态中解放出来是为了引导那个人走向神的启示。结局是在基督里诚恳而圣洁的恢复。



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