首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >Ecological correlates of Himalayan musk deer Moschus leucogaster

Ecological correlates of Himalayan musk deer Moschus leucogaster

机译:喜马拉雅麝鹿Moschus leucogaster的生态相关性



Himalayan musk deer ( Moschus leucogaster ; hereafter musk deer) are endangered as a result of poaching and habitat loss. The species is nocturnal, crepuscular, and elusive, making direct observation of habitat use and behavior difficult. However, musk deer establish and repeatedly use the same latrines for defecation. To quantify musk deer habitat correlates, we used observational spatial data based on presence–absence of musk deer latrines, as well as a range of fine spatial‐scale ecological covariates. To determine presence–absence of musk deer, we exhaustively searched randomly selected forest trails using a 20‐m belt transect in different study sites within the Neshyang Valley in the Annapurna Conservation Area. In a subsequent way, study sites were classified as habitat or nonhabitat for musk deer. A total of 252 plots, 20?×?20?m, were systematically established every 100?m along 51 transects (each ~0.5?km long) laid out at different elevations to record a range of ecological habitat variables. We used mixed‐effect models and principal component analysis to characterize relationships between deer presence–absence data and habitat variables. We confirmed musk deer use latrines in forests located at higher elevations (3,200–4,200?m) throughout multiple seasons and years. Himalayan birch ( Betula utilis ) dominated forest, mixed Himalayan fir ( Abies spectabilis ), and birch forest were preferred over pure Himalayan fir and blue pine ( Pinus wallichiana ) forest. Greater crown cover and shrub diversity were associated with the presence of musk deer whereas tree height, diameter, and diversity were weakly correlated. Topographical attributes including aspect, elevation, distance to water source, and slope were also discriminated by musk deer. Over‐ and understory forest management can be used to protect forests likely to have musk deer as predicted by the models to ensure long‐term conservation of this rare deer.
机译:喜马拉雅麝香(Moschus leucogaster;此后称为麝香)由于偷猎和栖息地丧失而受到威胁。该物种是夜行性的,裂隙性的并且难以捉摸,难以直接观察栖息地的使用和行为。然而,麝鹿建立并反复使用相同的厕所排便。为了量化麝鹿栖息地的相关性,我们使用了观测空间数据,该数据基于麝鹿厕所的存在与否以及一系列精细的空间尺度生态协变量。为了确定麝香鹿是否存在,我们在安纳布尔纳河保护区的纳西洋河谷内不同研究地点,使用20 m带状断面详尽搜索了随机选择的森林步道。随后,研究地点被归类为麝的栖息地或非栖息地。每100?m沿不同高度布置的51条样带(每条长约0.5?km)共系统地建立了252个20?×?20?m的样地,以记录一系列生态生境变量。我们使用混合效应模型和主成分分析来描述鹿存在与否数据与栖息地变量之间的关系。我们确认麝香鹿在多个季节和年份都在海拔较高(3,200–4,200?m)的森林中使用厕所。喜马拉雅山桦(Betula utilis)为主的森林,混合的喜马拉雅冷杉(Abies spectabilis)和桦木优于纯喜马拉雅冷杉和蓝松(Pinus wallichiana)森林。较高的树冠覆盖率和灌木的多样性与麝香的存在有关,而树木的高度,直径和多样性则弱相关。麝香鹿还可以区分地形特征,包括纵横比,海拔,距水源的距离和坡度。如模型所预测的那样,上层林和下层林的管理可以用来保护可能有麝鹿的森林,以确保对该稀有鹿的长期保存。



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