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The complexity of mating decisions in stalk-eyed flies




Abstract All too often, studies of sexual selection focus exclusively on the responses in one sex, on single traits, typically those that are exaggerated and strongly sexually dimorphic. They ignore a range of less obvious traits and behavior, in both sexes, involved in the interactions leading to mate choice. To remedy this imbalance, we analyze a textbook example of sexual selection in the stalk-eyed fly ( Diasemopsis meigenii ). We studied several traits in a novel, insightful, and efficient experimental design, examining 2,400 male?¢????female pairs in a ?¢????round-robin?¢???? array, where each female was tested against multiple males and vice versa. In D. meigenii , females exhibit strong mate preference for males with highly exaggerated eyespan, and so we deliberately constrained variation in male eyespan to reveal the importance of other traits. Males performing more precopulatory behavior were more likely to attempt to mate with females and be accepted by them. However, behavior was not a necessary part of courtship, as it was absent from over almost half the interactions. Males with larger reproductive organs (testes and accessory glands) did not make more mating attempts, but there was a strong tendency for females to accept mating attempts from such males. How females detect differences in male reproductive organ size remains unclear. In addition, females with larger eyespan, an indicator of size and fecundity, attracted more mating attempts from males, but this trait did not alter female acceptance. Genetic variation among males had a strong influence on male mating attempts and female acceptance, both via the traits we studied and other unmeasured attributes. These findings demonstrate the importance of assaying multiple traits in males and females, rather than focusing solely on prominent and exaggerated sexually dimorphic traits. The approach allows a more complete understanding of the complex mating decisions made by both males and females.
机译:摘要对性选择的研究常常集中于一种性别的反应,单一性状,通常是那些夸张且强烈的两性性状。他们忽略了导致配偶选择的相互作用中的一系列不那么明显的特征和行为。为了纠正这种不平衡,我们分析了一个教科书示例,研究了以茎眼蝇(Diasemopsis meigenii)进行性选择。我们在新颖,有见地且有效的实验设计中研究了多个特征,以循环法检查了2,400对雄性对雌性。阵列,其中每个女性都针对多个男性进行了测试,反之亦然。在D. meigenii中,雌性表现出强烈的伴侣对雄性的喜好,而雄性则具有极高的眼睑,因此我们特意限制了雄性眼睑的变异,以揭示其他性状的重要性。男性表现出更多的交配前行为更有可能尝试与女性交配并被女性接受。但是,行为并不是求爱的必要部分,因为几乎一半的交互都没有这种行为。具有较大生殖器官(睾丸和附属腺)的雄性没有进行更多的交配尝试,但是雌性有很强的倾向接受此类雄性的交配尝试。女性如何检测男性生殖器官大小的差异仍不清楚。此外,具有较大眼睑的雌性吸引着雄性,这是大小和繁殖力的指标,这吸引了雄性更多的交配尝试,但是这种特性并没有改变雌性的接受度。雄性之间的遗传变异通过我们研究的特征和其他无法衡量的特征,对雄性的交配尝试和雌性的接受能力有很大的影响。这些发现证明了在男性和女性中分析多种性状的重要性,而不是仅仅关注突出和夸大的性二态性状。该方法可以更全面地了解雄性和雌性做出的复杂交配决定。


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